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Original location: Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 2. Discovered flash files: 1 / > /show/ > Thread 32295 Age: 126.9d Health: 0% Posters: 1 Posts: 2 Replies: 0 Files: 1+2 >> Anonymous 28may2024(tu)17:14 No.101466 OP P1 [IMG] a televisão e video games aumentam a violencia.swf (3.14 MiB) 640x480, Uncompressed. 750 frames, 18 fps (00:42). Ver6, AS1/AS2. Network access: No. Text: No. Bitmaps: No. Audio: Yes. Video: Yes. [find in archive] >> Anonymous 28may2024(tu)17:15 No.101467 OP P2 após as pessoas terem mais acesso a televisão e video games, aumentaram também o roubo, o latrocínio, a violência, o sequestro, entre outros crimes, as pessoas passaram a ter mais acesso à televisão e o video game, então a televisão e o videogame só ensinam violência, por isso o Brasi e o mundo ficaram mais violentos, aumentando a taxa de homicídios. você e seus filhos continuarão vendo TV e jogando video game? contribuindo para os homicídios e a criminalidade em geral aumentar? e depois reclamam que o mundo tá pergigoso? hipócritas people had more access to television and video games, robbery, robbery, violence, kidnapping, among other crimes, also increased, people now had more access to television and video games, so television and video games only teach violence, which is why Brazil and the world became more violent, increasing the homicide rate. Do you and your children continue to sell TVs and play video games? contributing to the increase in homicides and crime in general? and then they complain that the world is dangerous? hypocrites television and video games increase violence |