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This is resource JNROSTT, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:14/8 -2024 07:53:26

Ended:14/8 -2024 07:53:26

Checked:15/8 -2024 23:14:22

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 1.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: the social atmosphere movement.swf-(7.42 MB, 1920x1097, Other)
[_] Zeitgeist Anonymous 08/14/24(Wed)03:51:43 No.3511371

  A great awakening
  an educated public that can critically think
  love and positivity
  Our technology will render money obsolete

  The social atmosphere movement
  will take us to the future
  The social atmosphere movement
  will end all wars
  Along with the venus project
  the goal is world peace

  Poverty results in violence
  the greater the inequality
  the worse human health is
  let's end scarcity and inequality
  let's share our resources
  that's the only way to truly end violence

  The social atmosphere movement
  will take us to the future
  The social atmosphere movement
  will end all wars
  Along with the venus project
  the goal is world peace

  Money does not reflect our resources
  we can enable abundance in this world with science
  money is a cult that promotes poverty and ignorance

  debt is a form of violence
  there's more outstanding debt than money
  Imagine a world free of debt
  what would you do with your life if you didn't need to work?

  The social atmosphere movement
  will take us to the future
  The social atmosphere movement
  will end all wars
  Along with the venus project
  the goal is world peace
Created: 14/8 -2024 07:53:26 Last modified: 15/8 -2024 23:14:28 Server time: 19/09 -2024 03:44:14