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This is resource K2B8DCS, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:20/7 -2024 21:01:47

Ended:21/7 -2024 22:55:29

Checked:22/7 -2024 12:46:08

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 8.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: simple_browser.swf-(2.01 MB, 1024x768, Hentai)
[_] Dumb POC Anonymous 07/20/24(Sat)16:59:44 No.3510361

  Just a shitty proof of concept for something larger I've been wanting to try to make.
  Took some time to figure out quirks with the Ruffle version on /f/, also I haven't done anything
  with ActionScript in like 7+ years, I still need to figure out some stuff to get it to a point
  I'm happy with. The Ruffle version on /f/ is pretty outdated now, I wish they would update it
  more often or just use the CDN versions that Ruffle provides so they wouldn't have to mess with
  it and we would get fixes immediately.
  There isn't much to find in this, just a couple of images to test things out, I debated about
  putting music over it but couldn't think of anything good and it was too short to really warrant

  Feedback welcome.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/20/24(Sat)17:35:12 No.3510366

  There isn't really anything to point it out but you can fuck with the URL bar for more images.
  Probably should have put that in the OP since there's nothing to really indicate it's editable in
  the flash.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/20/24(Sat)17:39:23 No.3510367

  I just tried putting different numbers before .jpg and got moar miku.
  This is something you could make more interactive like with a dropdown menu like in a real
  browser and it would allow you to drop Daily Dose or something when you click on one.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/20/24(Sat)18:18:02 No.3510369

  I kinda wanted it to be a typed out thing, the intent was to make other "sites" to visit for
  people to find but given the size swf size limit and the old version of Ruffle here has broken
  remote content loading (at least with the methods I tried, there might be more) I wasn't really
  sure were to take it so I thought I would just post it to see if people had any ideas. I tried
  sending "Feedback" to the mods to get them to update the Ruffle version but I have no idea if it
  will work.
  As for the game I wanted it to be an H game so I wasn't thinking of putting in other swfs besides
  maybe just as easter eggs.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/21/24(Sun)09:37:09 No.3510407

  looks like there are 23 images
  if there are some easteregg hidden numbers I didn't get them (69 anyone?)

>> [_] Anonymous 07/21/24(Sun)12:46:57 No.3510418

  decompile swf if you want to see more

>> [_] Anonymous 07/21/24(Sun)18:52:57 No.3510419

  I love Miku!

>> [_] Anonymous 07/21/24(Sun)18:53:52 No.3510420

  it's like stumbling across a really good dump thread
Created: 20/7 -2024 21:01:47 Last modified: 22/7 -2024 12:46:11 Server time: 05/01 -2025 08:04:08