Archived flashes:
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This is resource N5V2FYB, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:20/7 -2024 12:04:43

Ended:21/7 -2024 00:38:42

Checked:22/7 -2024 07:24:21

Original location:…
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 17.
Discovered flash files: 1

There are 2 links ending with .swf in this thread (1 more than the discovered amount of flash files).

File: /f/lagrun.swf-(4.6 MB, 900x720, Loop)
[_] Sure is summer in here dadfish !!KAFzWRgO7s2 07/20/24(Sat)07:59:43 No.3510346

  It's a beautiful summer day, the sun is shining, the birds are singing, and there's not a cloud
  in the sky.
  But FUCK ALL THAT, let's stay inside and yell at some video games. It's time for the 2024 4chan
  Summer Elites, /f/ is alive and we're kicking off the match day today at 17:00 UTC (about 5 hours
  from this post). Due the devil's luck we've drawn the reigning Babby Champions in /mlp/ for our
  first match, a rematch from the last Autumn Knockouts. I'm not gonna lie, we're gambling a bit on
  how I've chosen to run our setup but if the team shows up today like I think it will we're going
  to have a strong run. The only thing I'm sure of is that this will be a complete shitfest and
  that it might even be >fun. The stream is in the usual spot which you can find on the wiki at Whether you're a grizzled veteran or if you've never heard of this garbage
  before get the fuck in here and get loud.
  Hope you enjoy the hype swf and that's it for me, I'll lurk the thread and reply to everything I
  can, and don't forget you're here /f/orever.

  >what's this faggot shit?

>> [_] Anonymous 07/20/24(Sat)08:48:13 No.3510347

  Alright, had to comment on how good the flash is. Thumbs up.
  Please don't disable quality option menu though.


>> [_] Anonymous 07/20/24(Sat)09:21:47 No.3510349

  I'll be missing a good chunk of the matches today, but good luck dadfish! And thanks for the
  killer OC!

>> [_] dadfish !!KAFzWRgO7s2 07/20/24(Sat)12:50:41 No.3510353

  I kind of bumblefucked my way into figuring out how to make that right click menu in the first
  place so I'm not entirely sure how to bring back the quality options but I'll make a note of it
  for next time.
  Hope you can make the /f/ match but if not I'll take this opportunity to once again shill the
  match archives at since the entire days worth of matches usually shows up there
  fairly soon after the day is over.

  LAST CALL, get your shit and get in here, match starts in 10 minutes.

>> [_] dadfish !!KAFzWRgO7s2 07/20/24(Sat)14:14:06 No.3510354

  Well that was 3 points we should've had but I can't be too mad about the draw, that was one of
  the stronger looking setups in the cup. Horses continue to be the bane of my existence but I hope
  you enjoyed the show. We'll be back at it next weekend, Friday at 21:00 UTC against /trv/ and
  Sunday at 20:20 UTC against /c/. Have a good weekend and I'll see you in the thread next week.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/20/24(Sat)14:20:35 No.3510355

  good showing lad, 1 point is better than fucking nothing and it's not like 5 of the 8 games
  yesterday didn't also draw, we're in good company so far
  looking forward to COUNTRY ROADS next week

>> [_] Anonymous 07/20/24(Sat)14:29:24 No.3510356

  It was a good match
  and a good flash

>> [_] dadfish !!KAFzWRgO7s2 07/20/24(Sat)14:34:59 No.3510357

  Boris' PES is sick, please pray for it. With any luck we'll get to hear all of Country Roads,
  we'll see how it goes.
  Thanks anon, the halftime show was all Smudgey cobbling stuff together and the pregame Anonymous
  D Trinity parody was AllGrainGamer who helped with the swf in this thread.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/20/24(Sat)15:44:54 No.3510358

  lol @ the flash. great job

>> [_] Anonymous 07/20/24(Sat)15:54:54 No.3510359

  do you know the name of that trinity of /f/ flash? has it ever been uploaded here?

>> [_] dadfish !!KAFzWRgO7s2 07/20/24(Sat)16:00:42 No.3510360

  It's an old Anonymous D flash but it hasn't been posted here in a while.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/20/24(Sat)17:13:51 No.3510364

  Based old school flash takes me back.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/20/24(Sat)18:57:56 No.3510371

  >missed it
  But I'll be there next week.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/20/24(Sat)19:21:36 No.3510374

  It's a spoof of >>>3510373

>> [_] dadfish !!KAFzWRgO7s2 07/20/24(Sat)19:22:26 No.3510375

  Set your alarm for it, it's going to be a big game. We need a win vs this /trv/ team that stomped
  what looks to be a weaker /c/ team that is going to run up against /mlp/ on Friday. Then we need
  to collect what we can from /c/ on Sunday, hopefully we don't get 'tis merely'd

>> [_] Anonymous 07/20/24(Sat)20:27:40 No.3510378

  >no sneed
  for shame op

>> [_] Anonymous 07/20/24(Sat)20:35:41 No.3510380

  but this isn't /tv/
Created: 20/7 -2024 12:04:43 Last modified: 22/7 -2024 07:24:29 Server time: 08/09 -2024 04:35:13