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This is resource QMCKLBT, an Active Thread.
Discovered:10/9 -2024 16:46:38

Updated:19/9 -2024 14:42:42

Checked:19/9 -2024 14:45:48

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Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 1.
Discovered flash files: 1 (so far)

/ > /swf/ > Thread 33127

Age: 8.9d   Health: 41.1%   Posters: 1   Posts: 1   Replies: 0   Files: 1+2

>> Святослав 10sep2024(tu)16:42 No.102512 OP P1

Me when I heard Baby Crying Slowly in Eminem's new song

Eminem's new song Houdini just released today, and I was so happy to listen to this new song. At
one point, Hollywoodedge, Baby Crying Slowly PE144001 was heard right before the first verse. I was
so scared and nearly got angry because it's one of the baby crying sounds I dislike. I'm not
starting to hate this song, but this song is still really good and fun, but that part where this
baby crying sound is heard is the only part I don't like about this song. But I still think it's
catchy and I enjoy it! The same sound was heard alongside a glass breaking sound in his 2000 song,
Under The Influence featuring D12, which I kinda hate that song (but not the new song).

 Me when I heard Baby Crying Slowly in Eminem's new song.swf (16.05 MiB)
480x360, Uncompressed. 1 frame, 24 fps (00:00).
Ver14, AS3. Network access: No. Text: No.
Bitmaps: Yes. Audio: No. Video: No. <METADATA>
[find in archive]
Created: 10/9 -2024 16:46:38 Last modified: 19/9 -2024 14:45:48 Server time: 19/09 -2024 14:47:42