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This is resource QMIMEDL, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:16/6 -2024 23:41:50

Ended:19/6 -2024 01:49:42

Checked:19/6 -2024 18:49:17

Original location:…
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 21.
Discovered flash files: 1


File: Midna.swf-(56 KB, 800x900, Porn)
[_] BCS 06/16/24(Sun)19:40:12 No.3508921

  Midna WIP, looking for suggestions/ideas for more loops or progression, idea was Midna being more
  dominant. I still need to add stuff like fixing the mouth, blinking, fluids, background, sounds,

Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 06/16/24(Sun)20:22:49 No.3508922

  >looking for suggestions/ideas for more loops or progression
  A breast size option + some cumflation would be nice.

>> [_] Anonymous 06/16/24(Sun)20:31:18 No.3508923

  good loop. midna struggling to shove a cock in her ass while shes on top, she progressly rides on
  it harder and faster

>> [_] Anonymous 06/16/24(Sun)20:49:34 No.3508925

  will think about adding option for completely flat or bigger boobs, I usually draw them small
  like the game model
  With her facing the opposite way perhaps?

>> [_] Anonymous 06/16/24(Sun)20:54:54 No.3508926

  yeah. might be more work due to hair physics if your ok with that

>> [_] Anonymous 06/16/24(Sun)22:48:38 No.3508932

  is that a frog

>> [_] Anonymous 06/17/24(Mon)00:47:11 No.3508936

  gave me flashbacks to 4chan/f/dude's animations. wish he would come back and finish the zelda
  game he was working on.

>> [_] Anonymous 06/17/24(Mon)08:26:47 No.3508947

  Damn, wasn't expecting a Midna flash in TYOOL 2024

  Use Boogie's MidnaHelmetHelper on the off chance you aren't already.
  Put lots of squish/indentation as appropriate.
  Grinding might be relatively easy to add to most poses? A bit of hip movement.

  Dominant Midna suggestions:
  Wiggling her ass or just generally showing off.
  Midna masturbating without touching Link
  Rubbing her clit against Link's dick.
  Holding Link down with her hair so he can't move.
  Pulling out right before Link cums, either edging him or ruining his orgasm.
  I dunno if she'd turn him into Wolf Link for sex, but maybe cunnilingus leading into Wolf Link
  overpowering her. Or maybe she's full degen and wants the knot doggy-style.

  This flash already kicks ass, if all you end up doing is fixing the mouth I'll be satisfied.
  Thank you very much.

>> [_] Anonymous 06/17/24(Mon)19:27:12 No.3508954

  might just be preferences talking but her stomach looks a lil floppy when she goes down, other
  than that the flash is tight

  I can see some use of her hair overall especially if you're trying to have her be dominant, maybe
  something like jacking Link off with her hair hand or maybe fingering/pleasuring herself in some
  way while she's riding
  Something oral would be cool too, maybe with some kind of playful gnawing every once in a while
  to show that she's still the one in control of it all

>> [_] Anonymous 06/17/24(Mon)21:49:19 No.3508960

  It was supposed to be a jiggly belly

  I have a 3D Midna for Blender using the Hyrule Warriors model that I use for the helmet. It's
  rigged, but I'm not experienced with Blender animation.

  Thank you for the generous replies and interest. How long do threads usually stay alive on /f/?

>> [_] Anonymous 06/17/24(Mon)22:02:25 No.3508961

  Threads have a time limit of 3(?) days.
  Other than that, this board is very slow, and this thread will most likely survive until then.

>> [_] Anonymous 06/17/24(Mon)23:52:14 No.3508966

  Thank you for your service. I genuinely pray that you continue creating content like this.

  I will selfishly ask that you add buttons for progression/options. Games are better than just
  linear animations.

  I love you.

>> [_] Anonymous 06/18/24(Tue)02:37:27 No.3508969

  gotcha, I can fw it

>> [_] Anonymous 06/18/24(Tue)07:35:37 No.3508975

  There's no time limit, it depends entirely on the speed of the board in the days you post.
  Threads get bumped off in the order they get posted

>> [_] Anonymous 06/18/24(Tue)10:48:56 No.3508978

  Thanks for your correction. I was confused about that.

>> [_] Anonymous 06/18/24(Tue)12:03:30 No.3508983

  There IS a time limit. Threads gets deleted after 72HS (3 days). What the other anon means by "no
  need bumping" is that in 3 days your thread most probably will die of "old age" rather than being
  pushed out by other threads. Since threads are so scarce.
  You have your "thematic days" though, wich means a bunch of old flashes will get spammed and
  destroy the board in minutes. And your OG flash will go just away and no one will see it LOL.

>> [_] Anonymous 06/18/24(Tue)13:38:43 No.3508985

  It's a passion project, not a quick pump and dump.
  Even using shortcuts like tweens and pasting keyframes, setting up the animation and animating
  takes a lot of time.

  I wanted to make more of a *game* game than just a series of animations you click through, but
  figuring out what kind of feature I want is hard. A pleasure meter isn't difficult, but it's kind
  of boring. I wonder if there were like "moods" to put her in like bored, happy, angry, loving,
  submissive, dominant etc that then allowed different positions and things would be interesting.
  Might open Krita and doodle make some fake interfaces to get me thinking what to include. I was
  lucky to find two Flash programmers still alive in the medium through Newgrounds and Discord.

  Thanks, I was just wondering because I wasn't sure if desu archives /f/ threads or not and I
  didn't want t lose good ideas.

  Why does /f/ have traffic captchas? They're even more annoying than the text captchas.

>> [_] Anonymous 06/18/24(Tue)13:48:37 No.3508986

  >wasn't sure if desu archives /f/ threads or not and I didn't want t lose good ideas.
  the swfchan site is the only one archiving all of these flashes and from other past sites as
  well. If something happens to swfchan it will be a tragedy (again).

  About the captchas who knows. This board is stubborn. It seems that cloudflare enforces some
  rules like disabling content upload from the incognito mode. Many channers stopped contributing
  to the site because of that already.

>> [_] Anonymous 06/18/24(Tue)15:35:27 No.3508992

  4plebs archives threads as well, its less useful for finding specific flashes imo but if you want
  the replies you can find it there

>> [_] Anonymous 06/18/24(Tue)17:05:06 No.3508993

  remove nipples and holes

>> [_] Anonymous 06/18/24(Tue)21:49:33 No.3509018

  i cant remember how she was in the game, could her hair turn into a giant arm/hand? if so you
  could have it hold her up by going from her head and making a palm against the ground, instead of
  her floating like that.
Created: 16/6 -2024 23:41:50 Last modified: 19/6 -2024 18:49:21 Server time: 28/09 -2024 00:27:13