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This is resource RXJVQ7M, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:16/9 -2024 15:24:09

Ended:18/9 -2024 18:23:10

Checked:19/9 -2024 20:06:26

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 14.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: NexusTK - Son of Nuac.swf-(3.57 MB, 640x480, Other)
[_] Anonymous 09/16/24(Mon)11:22:47 No.3512479

>> [_] Anonymous 09/16/24(Mon)19:43:57 No.3512487

  that you discophrenia nigga?

>> [_] Anonymous 09/16/24(Mon)22:10:29 No.3512488

  is it that obvious?
  I-I-I-I dont want the clout lololololol
  My favourite game of all time is shitting the bed

>> [_] Anonymous 09/16/24(Mon)22:20:12 No.3512490

  I like it. I really like the harmonica part. I could use subtitles as English isn't my first

>> [_] Anonymous 09/16/24(Mon)22:33:04 No.3512491

  I wish ruffle would work again

>> [_] Anonymous 09/17/24(Tue)07:40:15 No.3512499

  You have a pretty distinct voice and style and make OC, there's not many other people it could've
  been. The 6 people that lurk here could hardly be called clout. More like /f/rens.

>> [_] Splendid 09/17/24(Tue)11:44:53 No.3512502

  Six naked men? I don't believe that. There's got to be many, many more

>> [_] Anonymous 09/17/24(Tue)12:13:03 No.3512503

  I have no idea what this song was about, where its from or whatever, i could barely comprehent a
  single sentence. But it was enjoyable to listen to non the less.

>> [_] Anonymous 09/17/24(Tue)13:09:00 No.3512505


  ya ur probably right.

  I should probably add captions when im bothered. but overall its kinda dumb/silly.

>> [_] Anonymous 09/17/24(Tue)15:52:56 No.3512509

  can someone transcribe what is being said so i can maybe understand it? lol

>> [_] Anonymous 09/17/24(Tue)18:03:11 No.3512511

  admittedly this didn't have as much effort put into it. I'll rerecord it and add subtitles later

  It's something like:

  "Somethings happening, Asked JBSA (player)
  Would you want to join
  The discord today.
  He said "I dont know"
  Son of Nuac
  Big fan of Nexus, Cannot quit the game
  Nexus content makers are insane."


>> [_] Anonymous 09/18/24(Wed)04:24:31 No.3512530

  i really hope you see this, disco-anon. i love you. you're my favorite /f/ poster.

  sincerely, the only person who's ever uploaded a john frusciante swf on the internet since at
  least 2010

>> [_] Anonymous 09/18/24(Wed)06:03:23 No.3512531

  oh ty, u humble me so much.
  Im always trying to make better music but I think tonight I made a few mistakes
  Again thank you :bow:

>> [_] Anonymous 09/18/24(Wed)14:16:50 No.3512546

  A true gentleman among beggars.
Created: 16/9 -2024 15:24:09 Last modified: 19/9 -2024 20:06:32 Server time: 19/09 -2024 20:07:20