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This is resource T83PL3O, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:10/11 -2024 16:03:26

Ended:11/11 -2024 08:37:44

Checked:12/11 -2024 17:44:05

Original location:…
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 5.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: Updates.swf-(9.02 MB, 640x360, Other)
[_] sadpanda has webp Anonymous 11/10/24(Sun)10:58:35 No.3514967

  What in the fucking fuck is wrong with tendon? All his decisions in the recent years were fucking
  And now old browsers can't even properly browse galleries anymore.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/10/24(Sun)12:36:50 No.3514974

  the only thing worse than webp is jfif

>> [_] Anonymous 11/10/24(Sun)20:20:20 No.3515024

  jxl status report?

>> [_] Anonymous 11/10/24(Sun)20:41:06 No.3515025

  I plead the jfif

>> [_] Anonymous 11/11/24(Mon)03:36:09 No.3515045

  why on earth have people started using that extension for .jpg files in recent years? we had 25
  years of nobody using it, worst meme of the century.

  time to give it up, those controlling the web have settled on avif so jxl won't catch on

  i'd imagine the browser has to be pretty old to not see webp.
  instead can we have webM support already? tired of bloated gifs with crap quality, webm support
  should have been added 10 years ago. there's a big hole on exhentai where all the video artists
  could be.

  while i'm whining, the tagging system is very flawed on exhentai and should have been fixed ages
  ago. there's so much missing that would help people find what they want (specific fetishes) while
  there are many tags that are near worthless (like hair styles). and there's many tags that are
  put in the wrong category between male/female due to futanari, for example if the tag has to do
  with the literal sexual organ associated with a male and female it should be categorised as such
  but just because he also has tits it ends up in the wrong male/female pairing.
Created: 10/11 -2024 16:03:26 Last modified: 12/11 -2024 17:44:08 Server time: 05/01 -2025 04:59:30