File: Chain Reaction.swf-(72 KB, 260x280, Game)
[_] I'm posting rares again Rare Flash Collector !bgvu1ECAmM 03/13/25(Thu)19:52:07 No.3520509
Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 03/13/25(Thu)21:43:09 No.3520515
Level 11 took me several minutes.
I stopped at level 16 because I found no good way to solve it and it had too many branches to
look through them all.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/14/25(Fri)13:53:43 No.3520567
Is the joke that it's impossible?
>> [_] Anonymous 03/14/25(Fri)16:59:41 No.3520577
you can click on symbols anywhere in the row or column, it doesn't need to be a symbol next to
the one marked by the black X
>> [_] Anonymous 03/14/25(Fri)17:57:12 No.3520582
Well shit.
>> [_] Rare Flash Collector !bgvu1ECAmM 03/14/25(Fri)20:11:53 No.3520590
I can't beat it either fuck
>> [_] Anonymous 03/14/25(Fri)20:15:39 No.3520591
It's more difficult than that which comes before and after but it's solvable. The others more or
less require a solution that can be drawn with almost a single line. Playing what comes after
then coming back would maybe be more enjoyable.