Archived flashes:
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This is resource WRZB56N, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:31/7 -2024 05:36:30

Ended:2/8 -2024 06:01:52

Checked:2/8 -2024 19:16:15

Original location:…
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 13.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: discophrenia 16.swf-(8.23 MB, 800x580, Other)
[_] Anonymous 07/31/24(Wed)01:35:15 No.3510821

  I hope you enjoy these songs

Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 07/31/24(Wed)02:40:14 No.3510823

  i enjoy you disco man

>> [_] Anonymous 07/31/24(Wed)04:48:44 No.3510829


>> [_] Anonymous 07/31/24(Wed)07:46:28 No.3510831

  Shine on you crazy diamond

>> [_] Anonymous 07/31/24(Wed)11:39:20 No.3510834

  Can you please somehow setup a google drive or somehow send me all your songs? they are actually

>> [_] Anonymous 07/31/24(Wed)11:47:19 No.3510835

  I hate saying this (so much).
  It betrays /f/ culture
  Im only doing this once.

  ....I have a website
  Having said that, discophrenia16 are all the songs I've done with vocals.
  I also went to /mu/ and they just kinda ignored me
  That is why I love /f/

  Thank you for enjoying my music.
  I'm sorry for plugging that url.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/31/24(Wed)12:17:47 No.3510836

  Actually big thanks. I really apreciate that <3

>> [_] Anonymous 07/31/24(Wed)12:57:33 No.3510837

  thanks dude

>> [_] Anonymous 07/31/24(Wed)14:48:22 No.3510843

  Thumbs up!

>> [_] Anonymous 08/01/24(Thu)19:47:17 No.3510872

  based strawberry schizo. pls don't kill yourself. when you're this talented at least programm c++
  and then study compu.

  Don't give up,

>> [_] Anonymous 08/01/24(Thu)23:37:04 No.3510880

  >based strawberry schizo
  I wanna know what thsi means before the thread dies lol

>> [_] Anonymous 08/01/24(Thu)23:56:11 No.3510882

  nice job OP

  he asked tho and the web is meant to have links, it's okay friend

>> [_] Follow me to the land of trance 08/02/24(Fri)01:59:04 No.3510886

  Isn't that a different guy who killed himself already? Kiwisbymirror? I think his newgrounds
  username had strawberry in it.
  Whether the programming field is worth entering and staying in is a topic on its own, they argue
  about it endlessly on /g/
Created: 31/7 -2024 05:36:30 Last modified: 2/8 -2024 19:16:19 Server time: 19/09 -2024 02:29:49