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This is resource XOT6U2D, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:4/8 -2024 21:00:49

Ended:6/8 -2024 00:08:12

Checked:7/8 -2024 03:34:23

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 11.
Discovered flash files: 1


File: sunshower.swf-(3.55 MB, 480x679, Loop)
[_] OC + old shit Anonymous 08/04/24(Sun)16:40:11 No.3511020

  thanks to >>3510969 for the encouragement.

  people seem to like a lot of the loops I do so here's a zip of everything I've made (at least the
  ones worth reposting). can't believe I've been posting here for 5+ years already. thank you all
  for sticking around, and /f/lash 4ever!

  mega dot nz/file/IxtHXThA#VW89EVvII1psOxNNW1rqfv1dkdNxIo0jxKdxPDvBSDM

>> [_] Anonymous 08/04/24(Sun)16:41:12 No.3511021

  ps dont view this in ruffle

>> [_] Anonymous 08/04/24(Sun)21:43:33 No.3511030

  Wow so many of these I have saved. Didn't know one anon made so many flashes I have loved. <3

>> [_] Anonymous 08/04/24(Sun)23:08:02 No.3511032

  I haven't heard this song in forever.

>> [_] Anonymous 08/05/24(Mon)01:07:42 No.3511037

  You made "how 2 loop"!? I used that to make my first flash! Also I really like your music choices
  in all of these flashes; do you make a flash with a song in mind or do you make the animation
  Also how do you do that water effect like in "fish tank" and "fishing with sakaki" where the
  water effect is both behind and in front of things? Thanks for sharing these :^)

>> [_] Anonymous 08/05/24(Mon)01:54:37 No.3511040

  aw this is real cute

>> [_] Anonymous 08/05/24(Mon)07:43:22 No.3511048

  glad you guys like them!
  For basic loops, usually I have both the music and image in mind before I start. For more
  involved ones (nagato coolpool), I might have the concept first and look for the music while
  figuring out the actionscript.

  If I want the water effect only in a certain place I split the image into two pieces, e.g. Then I can apply the effect to only one of the images. In this
  sunshower loop I wanted the bubbles to distort the girl's image as they passed her. I couldn't
  figure out how to do that with one set of bubbles, so there are two sets: a layer you can see and
  an invisible mask layer of bubbles which unmask a copy of the girl with that water effect. The
  two bubble layers do not coordinate exactly (they are randomly-generated) but the result still

  Pro tip, the reason I went to that trouble is that I try to have three points of motion in my
  more involved loops. In ripplesのrei for instance there is the reflective water effect, the
  concentric circles, and a subtle grain plate. Dawn of the Final Day has chiyo, the orchestra, and
  the rotating dance gifs. In sunshower I have 1) the water effect on bottom, 2) the bubbles, and
  3) some subtle rain in the background.

  Even a static image like dream girl.swf (which I forgot to include) can have some action with the
  grain plate and blinking. All that motion makes people's eyes habitually readjust and the loop
  doesn't get boring as quickly. I learned this from realizing that movies more reliant on CGI
  never have a steady camera so that audience's eyes are less likely to settle on bad FX. So the
  types of motion I include aren't always obvious but I still think they are effectively
  interpreted as action by the eye.

>> [_] Anonymous 08/05/24(Mon)11:18:02 No.3511058

  OP is based and legendary, but probably russian. Still, hat's off to you, sir.

>> [_] Anonymous 08/05/24(Mon)11:20:05 No.3511059

  Also, forgot to mention you should probably make a collection of your stuff on swfchan.
  That way it is easily accessible and updatable for everyone to see all the flashes you did.

>> [_] Anonymous 08/05/24(Mon)15:14:29 No.3511074

  Spoken like a U*ranian

>> [_] Anonymous 08/05/24(Mon)19:45:56 No.3511080

  Uranium is very yummy
Created: 4/8 -2024 21:00:49 Last modified: 7/8 -2024 03:36:09 Server time: 19/09 -2024 03:50:19