Archived flashes:
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Issue fixed with the .net search, should work again now.

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This is resource XQ04R3Z, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:6/10 -2024 01:27:44

Ended:7/10 -2024 19:13:36

Checked:9/10 -2024 04:50:31

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 18.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: ronery.swf-(5.35 MB, 640x480, Loop)
[_] Anonymous 10/05/24(Sat)21:09:53 No.3513299

>> [_] Anonymous 10/05/24(Sat)21:45:22 No.3513303

  which one are you I'm the bird anon

>> [_] Anonymous 10/06/24(Sun)05:54:22 No.3513320

  I died when Stalin came up

  I completely forgot that he was in the flash

>> [_] Anonymous 10/06/24(Sun)08:13:01 No.3513322

  What do you guys plan on doing this December?

>> [_] Anonymous 10/06/24(Sun)08:38:48 No.3513323


>> [_] Anonymous 10/06/24(Sun)08:43:49 No.3513325

  You are implying that you won't make it to December

  Please don't do it, anon. We've already lost too many /f/riends. Just think of how barren this
  place would be without you

>> [_] Anonymous 10/06/24(Sun)08:49:35 No.3513327

  I'm just implying I have no plan. Just more of the same.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/06/24(Sun)10:42:28 No.3513328

  i will be with family but it's getting harder each year as more of my cousins are getting in
  serious relationships. the children of family friends are getting married. i'm the oldest of the
  pack and a disappointment to all.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/06/24(Sun)10:58:47 No.3513333

  Been there. Maybe I just won't go anymore.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/06/24(Sun)13:39:29 No.3513340

  The same thing I do every year.
  Attempt to consume every substance in my house and listen to r/a/dio until I piss myself and/or
  pass out. It's tradition.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/06/24(Sun)15:37:04 No.3513342

  Hello fellas, I call for your help.

  Does anyone here remember a website that would display a random flash everytime you loaded it?

  it was a black background and nothing else, aside from a "previous, next, random" button under
  the .swf file it would play.

  It's not swfchan and it's not dagobah, I cannot for the life of me find it again...!

  Any help would be greatly appreciated!

>> [_] Anonymous 10/06/24(Sun)15:51:51 No.3513343


>> [_] Anonymous 10/06/24(Sun)15:53:09 No.3513344

  sounds like one of the many dagobah-esque websites
  like or
  most of them went down already though

>> [_] Anonymous 10/06/24(Sun)15:55:21 No.3513345

  It's unfortunately likely that the site is down, i haven't checked up on it for maybe 8 years at

  I've checked all of your proposals and I haven't found a match yet, even the guy who shared that
  website to me initially couldn't help me either so I assume that it's an incredibly niched thing.

  Thanks for the help anyways!

  If it helps ,i'm fairly certain that the website I'm looking for had a shoop da whoop on the top
  left corner.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/06/24(Sun)22:07:56 No.3513359

  Not with family anymore im across the country now.
  Not like our family liked eachother that much anyway

>> [_] Anonymous 10/07/24(Mon)01:42:23 No.3513364

  I'll coop up at home with my family. They go overboard for christmas so I'll tell em to leave me
  out of things.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/07/24(Mon)05:30:06 No.3513365

  Do they make a big deal if you don't go? Like you're essential?

>> [_] Anonymous 10/07/24(Mon)15:01:40 No.3513371

  Hmm, maybe out of obligation?
  It sure would be the final nail in the coffin of having any kind of relationship with my
  remaining family.
Created: 6/10 -2024 01:27:44 Last modified: 9/10 -2024 04:53:13 Server time: 22/10 -2024 15:42:37