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This is resource XQHB4RY, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:16/8 -2024 05:53:14

Ended:18/8 -2024 12:17:02

Checked:18/8 -2024 13:31:49

Original location:…
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 20.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: overdingaling.swf-(9.12 MB, 640x360, Loop)
[_] Anonymous 08/16/24(Fri)01:50:41 No.3511433

  How's your week been, /f/?

Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 08/16/24(Fri)02:25:21 No.3511434

  Who cares about my week? How was your week anon?

>> [_] Anonymous 08/16/24(Fri)08:06:50 No.3511443

  Playing RimWorld and a bit of Helldivers 2, that's basically my week summarized.

>> [_] Anonymous 08/16/24(Fri)11:52:19 No.3511447

  cool song, thanks OP

>> [_] Anonymous 08/16/24(Fri)12:04:33 No.3511449

  went to an interview and they hired me and during my health screening they found a higher amount
  of protein in my piss so that's dandy

>> [_] Anonymous 08/16/24(Fri)12:51:04 No.3511451

  Its over so that's nice but I hear there's another one coming so that's not great.

>> [_] Anonymous 08/16/24(Fri)13:00:30 No.3511452

  Uh oh. It looks like somebody's got a case of the Fridays!

>> [_] Anonymous 08/16/24(Fri)15:07:01 No.3511460

  No one wants to play with my dingaling ;__;

>> [_] Anonymous 08/16/24(Fri)15:15:24 No.3511461

  Hey, anons, let me ask you something. When you get on /f/ on a friday and you're not feeling real
  well does anybody ever say to you, "It looks like somebody's got a case of the Fridays"?

>> [_] Anonymous 08/16/24(Fri)15:23:41 No.3511462

  No man... I believe you'd get your ass banned saying something like that.

>> [_] Anonymous 08/16/24(Fri)23:10:39 No.3511485

  I'm going go collage in a week. I'm kind of nervous.

>> [_] Anonymous 08/16/24(Fri)23:12:45 No.3511486

  just put a bunch of pictures on a paper what's the big fucking deal?

>> [_] Anonymous 08/17/24(Sat)00:13:56 No.3511494


>> [_] Anonymous 08/17/24(Sat)01:57:22 No.3511495

  you'll do great anon

>> [_] Anonymous 08/17/24(Sat)05:49:13 No.3511500

  You and me both. Ganbare!

>> [_] Anonymous 08/17/24(Sat)09:30:59 No.3511502

  Wrong board, skinger

>> [_] Anonymous 08/17/24(Sat)11:41:05 No.3511509

  It's okay anon, I'll touch your tralala.

>> [_] Anonymous 08/17/24(Sat)12:22:41 No.3511512

  You have to assert your dominance. Walk up to the biggest motherfucker you can find and deck him.
  Everyone will know you're not to be fucked with after that.

>> [_] Anonymous 08/17/24(Sat)15:32:50 No.3511516

  holy shit that was great, did you make that?

>> [_] Anonymous 08/18/24(Sun)08:16:45 No.3511535

  Not op, but no. At least, I don't think the dude uploaded to YT and then converted it into a
  flash version for us.

  And the "original".

  It's like a mashup of some overworld song of mario game hack thing. I've heard a lot of people do
  it or that it has it's own subculture or something, but I've never thought about it and now I
  wonder if more have music of this quality.

  Anyway, you have everything explained in his description.
Created: 16/8 -2024 05:53:14 Last modified: 18/8 -2024 13:31:53 Server time: 19/09 -2024 07:31:19