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This is resource XS8B526, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:26/6 -2024 08:56:51

Ended:27/6 -2024 23:10:36

Checked:28/6 -2024 00:43:57

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 8.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: TRUTH OR DARE1.swf-(340 KB, 500x500, Hentai)
[_] TRUTH OR DARE Anonymous 06/26/24(Wed)04:55:24 No.3509414

  Shit /ic/ draws

Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 06/26/24(Wed)17:57:19 No.3509440

  This one looks REALLY good ! i'm the anon from other thread, now leaving the comment here!

>> [_] Anonymous 06/26/24(Wed)18:20:52 No.3509442

  Thank you so much /f/riend! I'll try to do an update on this one. Maybe I'll add more things for
  the guys to say when the doors open. Any suggestions?

>> [_] Anonymous 06/27/24(Thu)04:18:11 No.3509464

  OP do you wanna know a trick to get the animation more seamless after you click the forward
  button, so it doesn't jump straight to the beginning of the next clip?

>> [_] Anonymous 06/27/24(Thu)05:09:59 No.3509468

  Anon thank you so much for this. There's so little info about flash nowadays that these little
  bits of knowledge I save them like treasures.
  Last night I went insane trying to get a way to do a next song simple player button, and I did
  it. I'm like a dog trying to read a book when learning this shit, I hate coding. lol.
  To be honest I try to keep the scripts as simple as possible, some nice details I just scratch
  them out of the equation right from the start just to keep the projects doable.
  One thing that concerns me is, if the user knows about invisible arrows, buttons or messages...
  or if they will just stare at a first frame loop, and I end up thinking, fuck it, "he who knows,
  knows" LOL.
  Thanks for the help anon.
  I'm doing an update on this one. But I think that I'm may be biting off much more than I can
  chew. Second scene will be she standing naked in the shibuya crossing, other in a train car, and
  another in a karaoke room. And that should be it. I think that I'm losing my mind. lmao.

>> [_] Anonymous 06/27/24(Thu)08:52:31 No.3509474

  You are going to make them all in the same flash?

>> [_] Anonymous 06/27/24(Thu)18:45:02 No.3509490

  Yep that's the idea. Let's see how fast can I do it, with out getting distracted by other stuff,
  like this one that I just did >>3509488
  I need to focus lol

>> [_] Anonymous 06/27/24(Thu)19:04:00 No.3509492

  Anon I don't know If you saw it, but I answered your question in the /ic/ thread.
  Hope it helps
Created: 26/6 -2024 08:56:51 Last modified: 28/6 -2024 00:44:51 Server time: 02/07 -2024 05:11:22