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Issue fixed with the .net search, should work again now.

<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>

This is resource ZG361IL, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:23/9 -2024 06:20:33

Ended:23/9 -2024 23:27:54

Checked:25/9 -2024 20:34:19

Original location:…
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 14.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: Dying Song.swf-(4.18 MB, 550x400, Loop)
[_] Frusciante Monday Anonymous 09/23/24(Mon)02:16:39 No.3512761

  I'm going away, forever...

>> [_] Anonymous 09/23/24(Mon)02:17:52 No.3512762

  Of course Ruffle filters it. Oh well, at least that means more will download

>> [_] Anonymous 09/23/24(Mon)02:22:45 No.3512763

  It's not Ruffle that's fucking up, it's 4chan, the uploaded swf is 404ing for some reason so
  nobody can view these fucked up ones even with actual flash player.
  There are several other posts on the board right now that are broken like this.

>> [_] Anonymous 09/23/24(Mon)02:36:14 No.3512765

  Oh, man. I wonder if this has to do with the site having a seizure with this board the other
  week. I posted another one that broke, too. I use Flash 8, so maybe it's that.

>> [_] Anonymous 09/23/24(Mon)02:39:41 No.3512766

  I don't think it has anything to do with the flash files themselves, I've also been seeing images
  not loading in full resolution on other boards as well.
  Something is probably broken on the backend or between the backend and cloudflare but it seems to
  be making some media fail to load.

>> [_] Anonymous 09/23/24(Mon)02:40:30 No.3512767

  That would explain the error messages mentioning the backend

>> [_] Anonymous 09/23/24(Mon)02:47:04 No.3512769

  The error messages you see in the Ruffle error log are nothing to do with it, that error message
  is just telling you that it couldn't parse the swf file it was given as an actual swf file. If
  you check in dev tools you can see it's because when Ruffle tried to load the file, it just got
  back a 404 page which obviously confused the hell out of Ruffle, hence the error about not being
  able to parse the file.
  Actually 4chan did just update the Ruffle version on here 2 days ago to a completely up-to-date
  version (it was almost 2 years old before) so lots more flashes should be working now, if you
  want to try to see if a flash would work go to and load the file at the
  top, that link will always point to the newest Ruffle but since 4chan just updated it they are
  almost identical so it should be a good test for now.
  Once this media issue stops happening maybe people will post more new stuff.

>> [_] Anonymous 09/23/24(Mon)02:48:13 No.3512770

  thanks, man. gentleman.

>> [_] Anonymous 09/23/24(Mon)02:49:15 No.3512771

  follow-up, they do work on the demo page. at least i know it isn't me at all then

>> [_] Anonymous 09/23/24(Mon)02:56:27 No.3512772

  Just so everyone can actually see what I posted:

>> [_] Anonymous 09/23/24(Mon)18:50:05 No.3512785

  Works normal in my flash plugin.
  Maybe they already fixed it?

>> [_] Anonymous 09/23/24(Mon)19:14:10 No.3512789

  Yeah, they fixed it, the files no longer 404.

>> [_] Anonymous 09/23/24(Mon)19:15:10 No.3512790

  Welp, I take that back, only some of them are fixed, the 0x40 Hues posts still 404 for me.

>> [_] Anonymous 09/23/24(Mon)19:24:42 No.3512791

  Oh, nice. All I had to do was wait. Thanks for the support btw anons. I really appreciate it
  because I love his music and even though he's famous, nobody really talks about his solo stuff
  these days
Created: 23/9 -2024 06:20:33 Last modified: 25/9 -2024 20:34:26 Server time: 22/10 -2024 15:32:36