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Threads (2):

ARCHIVEDDiscovered: 22/5 -2020 03:28:39 Ended: 22/5 -2020 21:27:57Flashes: 1 Posts: 10
File: Demonic_Cumpendium_ver_0.2.2.swf-(5.78 MB, 1100x750, Hentai)
[_] Shin Megami Tensei Demon Gallery Anon 3429103 It's been updated.
>> [_] Anon 3429112 I want to give the dick to Mothman
>> [_] Anon 3429115 c@girl has a very suckable and kissable asshole change the color of her cum though, what the fuck were you thinking with it being orange
>> [_] Anon 3429116 >># >he doesn't like Nickelodeon slime
>> [_] Anon 3429126 Damn, no Satan?
>> [_] Anon 3429133 >># looks better than today's Paris full of NIGGERS
>> [_] Anon 3429146 >># This has been a common complaint, but it turns out that it can be difficult to have cum be white and show up and look right. Also, is this her cum or the dick's cum?
>> [_] Anon 3429147 >># they were thinking about making it orange
>> [_] Anon 3429148 >># HER cum? Nigga it's probably the multicolored dildo's cum. All of the cocks are different colors too.
>> [_] Anon 3429166 >no succubus does not compute, Hitler-san

ARCHIVEDDiscovered: 22/5 -2020 02:59:33 Ended: 26/12 -2020 15:56:18Flashes: 1 Posts: 40
/ > /fap/ > Thread 18991 Age: 211.54d Health: 0% Posters: 28 Posts: 40 Replies: 37 Files: 1+3
>> DinDin<3!96.E5MJGcE 77231 Shin Megami Tensei Gather demons and cum again! Added more clicky bits. [IMG] Demonic_Cumpendium_ver_0.2.2.swf (5.79 MiB) 1100x750, Compressed (Deflate). 1 frame, 29 fps (00:00). Ver15, AS3. Network access: Text: Yes. Bitmaps: Yes. Audio: Yes. Video: <METADATA> [find in archive]
>> Anon 77232 Putting in an obligatory vote that Pixie be next
>> Anon 77233 Alice or Sylph would be pretty based. So would Lamia if you're feeling adventurous.
>> UnfriendlyJogger 77234 Ok this is top notch. That M-Man thing caught me off guard for sure. Keep it up DinDin<3!
>> DinDin<3!96.E5MJGcE 77235 >># Thnx~ >># Yeah she's next. Among other things. I mean, it's Pixie. I kinda have to y'know? >># Alice? Nah I'd never do that...
>> Anon 77243 That bar builds up way, way, waaay too slow
>> Anon 77245 I'm surprised how fast this update came, keep up the great work Dinner
>> Anon 77248 >># I don't wanna know what happened to poor magenta moth
>> Anon 77266 >># I think there could be great femdom scenes with Alice, if you shy away from penetration.
>> Anon 77270 >># Nah bro, he's meming. She's already in, check the windows. Btw amazing job Dinner
>> Anon 77271 >># i see the shadow how do i activate her?
>> Anon 77272 All these hot demons yet artists only go for the bland basic ass humans. So glad you are doing this.
>> Anon 77273 I wonder if Scáthach Will be in this?
>> DinDin<3!96.E5MJGcE 77274 >># You activate Alice by doing a reeeaaally big jump. >># I've seen plenty people ask for her so I might.
>> Anon 77276 Thanks for the work DinDin<3 Take your time, don`t rush it. Do you know the Demons Demeter or Nadja? Those demons are cute&funny.
>> Anon 77278 I feel the power of Mara coursing through my dick. How far are you planning to go with this flash? It's only v0.2.2 and you already have more content in this than most flashes.
>> Anon 77287 >># Damn! Didn't know this version has tab support. >that mothman Jizzus, how can one person be so based like Din. His humor and style is always top. He's like your average normal ass person who sees something he likes and thinks "yeah that would make great porn", but then HE ACTUALLY DOES IT. As far as requests go, obviously Angel would be a good fit as well.
>> UnfriendlyJogger 77289 Oh boi I'd love me some of that Asherah, Napea or even Lillith.
>> DinDin<3!96.E5MJGcE 77290 >># Uhh I guess at least like, 10? Maybe? I don't really have anything planned. I just wanted to make a flash dedicated to Moh or Hathor but ended up squeezing more things in just for shits and giggles. Expect 5 or 6 more. Side note. I'm working on fem demons rn but I personally want to add Krishna in somewhere too. Please don't crucify me if you see it happen.
>> DinDin<3!96.E5MJGcE 77292 >># >Asherah Oh man that would be so hard to even attempt I think I'm having a coronary just thinking about it.
>> Anon 77293 >># >Kirshna i call dibs on playing his "flute"
>> Anon 77299 >># you could have her riding Mara or something, I think the scales line up on that
>> Anon 77303 I think the Nekomata animation could do with some speed changes, just to liven it up a bit. Very good as always! I see most of my favorite demon girls have already been requested, so I'll wait with hopes for the next update.
>> Anon 77617 Any chance of more Alice content?
>> Anon 77624 Poor Mothman
>> Anon 77822 >># I'd love to see Apsaras
>> Anon 77831 >># fr how to activate the shadow
>> Anon 77841 lifting up her shirt to cum or her small tits is the hottest shit on the planet to me like holy fuck
>> Anon 77874 This would be a thousand times better with some sound effects, a mute button for the music and a speed control slider.
>> Anon 77886 >># >sound effects yes and no sure, good sound effects are great, but if they aren't they can really detract from the immersion I'd rather this than cheap squishy noises or porn moans it's kinda hard to balance correctly with the music also, the focus lies on the great game music, I think it's fine as it is, feels like SMT and that's the most important part of r34 >mute button not really necessary if there's sound effects, then yeah, why not, wouldn't be hard to put into the swf >speed control slider idk changes little without actual new animation and the way it is it synces really well with the music don't really see the appeal of that I think what you should be saying is: >This would be a thousand times better with a thousand more characters inside.
>> Anon 77907 name of the creator? and where to follow his/her work?
>> Anon 77914 >># WTDinner or known as DinDin here. He is literally the one who posted this here.
>> Anon 77922 >># Thanks
>> Anon 77940 >># >when OP is actually OP feels goodman
>> Anon 78278 Fellas, it's time to reject god once more. When/if you get to Pixie DinDin, I'd love to see her in her canon size grinding and being cute.
>> DinDin<3!96.E5MJGcE 78285 I saw the news! Update tomorrow! I am excite! >># >grinding >looking cute Haha.. y-yeah. Boy are you in for a surprise.
>> Anon 78290 >># I mean, I prefer my Pixie content cutesy, but I'll still have that hardcore large insertion impossible fit stomach bulge ahegao cumflation too. Do you take me for a coward, Dinner Man?
>> FailedChavezNigr 78300 smirks in SMT V
>> Anon 78312 >># I can deal with it, I suppose. I definitely prefer cute grinding Pixie myself, there's never enough of that.
>> Anon 78948 >># >that Mothman LMAO I hope you haven't dropped the project, I look forward to Amaterasu and Pixie

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Created: 22/5 -2020 03:06:12 Last modified: 26/12 -2020 16:08:25 Server time: 15/03 -2025 06:21:51