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This is the wiki page for Flash #236418
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The YCH Project.swf
1,34 MiB, 00:31 | [W] [I]

Threads (1):

ARCHIVEDDiscovered: 12/8 -2020 11:19:49 Ended: 24/1 -2021 04:12:01Flashes: 1 Posts: 29
/ > /fap/ > Thread 19478 Age: 157.71d Health: 0% Posters: 16 Posts: 29 Replies: 26 Files: 1+3
>> Anon 78649 Obligatory de-chimping (08/10/2020) [IMG] The YCH Project.swf (1.34 MiB) 1080x720, Compressed (Deflate). 935 frames, 30 fps (00:31). Ver9, AS3. Network access: Text: Yes. Bitmaps: Yes. Audio: Yes. Video: <METADATA> [find in archive]
>> Anon 78652 Much better.
>> Anon 78656 You can lock the race with one button, doing this is literally pointless.
>> Anon 78661 >># Only works in the character selection screen and resets every time you go back to the main screen or refresh.
>> Anon 78664 >># oh no, pressing a button twice! That will surely ruin your life! why would you even refresh
>> Anon 78667 >># In this version you can select the human without having to trial and error random keys that work half of the times every time you want to switch character.
>> Anon 78669 Just have an invisi-dick option and no one can complain about race.
>> Anon 78671 >># They work properly if your IQ is higher than room temperature, which I guess isn't because of this edit
>> Anon 78672 >># No, they don't. Keep seething chimp.
>> Anon 78673 >># >hurr why doesn't everyone just waste 5 minutes figuring out my obtusely designed broken selection screen just to select the default character, must be low IQ
>> Anon 78675 >># First of all it's not my design, it just happens to be something that takes 10 seconds to figure out >># And as I was saying before, they work. You select a girl, get into the selection of what you want to do, press z, and you're done. You can also spice it up and press 4 to go directly to the last stage. Not that big of a challenge unless you are actually retarded
>> Anon 78676 >># Congrats, you guessed which exact key to press and which exact moment you had to press it on first try. Now imagine if you pressed your key at a more intuitive moment, like when the flash first loads or at character selection. You get the wrong color, so you F5 and try with another key (trial and error), and when you notice none of them give consistent results, you figure out that you are pressing them at the wrong screen. Then try it on the other screens and hope that the reason you got 5 ochre-colored dicks in a row is not by pure luck. After that you successfully guess that this flash is such hot garbage that the only moment the key can be input is after character selection, but before dick insertion, without even giving any feedback, reset 0 to 2 times to find out which key gives the correct dick. Now that you know that that, just don't forget to press Z /every single time/ you select a character.
>> Anon 78680 >># that's a really good idea actually the blowjob scene gets kinda ruined imo, with that shillouette of a guy blocking the view an edit that makes him removable would be an actual improvement >># >wanting to switch the main character all the time when it's mostly the same animations all the time >refreshing the flash because something didn't immediately happen >it says in countless threads which button does what and when to press it >not at least trying it out on every screen before just giving up and straight up meme editing the flash >you have to click EVERY SINGLE TIME to select a character anyways, so why not press 2 buttons, seems hardly more inconvenient wow, a little slow up there, huh big boy
>> Anon 78681 >># Are you slow? It's in the changelog
>> Anon 78682 >># >refreshing the flash because something didn't immediately happen It's quicker than clicking the "back" button, yes. >it says in countless threads which button does what and when to press it source: your ass >you have to click EVERY SINGLE TIME to select a character anyways, so why not press 2 buttons, seems hardly more inconvenient It adds up when you want to switch characters, and if you get it wrong you have to refresh the page. >wow, a little slow up there, huh big boy Guessing exactly which key to press and when has nothing to do with being slow. >not at least trying it out on every screen before just giving up and straight up meme editing the flash That's what I did as described in >>#, it took about 4 minutes of trial and error, more than it took to de-compile this flash, which I created to spare other anons from pointless guesswork with an obtusely designed interface, since every one just want to choose the white man anyway. Imagine being so mad at QOL improvements.
>> ;_; 78695 I seriously hope you guys don't get salty over this >but muh blue lives muttur >># just use the LGBTQ penis color hopefully that would stop racists from complaining for now >># >># >that moment when autists accuse each other of being brainlets instead of happily seething together >># >what is JPEXS >># ok slowpoke >># >why is nobody sharing hax
>> Anon 78715 J U S T >>#
>> lol 79910 It's always funny to see crybaby cucks with white fragility mad at black cocks in their porn.
>> Anon 79955 >># Your wife gets bred by white men behind your back, you know that right?
>> Anon 79956 _EQ
>> lol 79957 >># As a man, you have to face the fact that it says something about you when you cant even focus on the girls in porn because you're distracted by black dick. You know your mom and sister schlick and flick to just the thought of black men, right? Stay salty, babydick.
>> Anon 79958 >># >n-no u Seethe nigcel
>> Anon 79966 >># >># >># >># yawn
>> Anon 80021 >># Can't we just be mad about still not being able to fuck Pixen in the mouth like normal people
>> Anon 80045 >># >white fragility all it takes is one word to make an entire race chimp out.
>> Jesus Crust 80987 There are hundreds of thousands of black edits floating around the chans, boorus and twitter, perhaps over a million. I think we can allow a handful of comparatively rare white edits to slip through without melting down every time.
>> Anon 80988 >># It's just absurd how fucking mad people gets about shit like this. I mean where is my fucking green dick? yet you don't see me sperging out.
>> fox butt plug 81229 boop~ make a hairy penis with bulge edit pls also how do u dechimp stuff im editing some furry swf's
>> Anon 81230 >># Open in JPEXS, export the shapes you need to edit, edit them with Inkscape/Illustrator if they are SVGs, GIMP/Photoshop if they are PNGs or JPEGs, import the edited shapes back with JPEXS.
Created: 12/8 -2020 11:25:27 Last modified: 24/1 -2021 04:32:13 Server time: 03/01 -2025 01:57:31