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Destiny Buys A Mask.swf
7,03 MiB, 00:25 | [W] [I]

Threads (1):

ARCHIVEDDiscovered: 30/8 -2020 03:10:17 Ended: 30/8 -2020 17:53:46Flashes: 1 Posts: 43
File: Destiny Buys A Mask.swf-(7.02 MB, 1280x720, Other)
[_] Anon 3437926 Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anon 3437928 What happened to Destiny? Did the vacuum left by Tim Pool turning right wing suck him in? He's been debating a bunch of retarded commies and calling them out on supporting the riots while supporting Kenosha Kyle.
>> [_] Anon 3437933 >># >Argue with a bunch of retards >Bunch of retards spend money to "Epic own you on twitch with a sick dono" >He acts offended and argues more >Retards continue giving him money with twitch donations to keep up the argument >At the end of the day none of it matters but he gets to pocket several thousand dollars of retards money I don't know why anyone gives a single shit about the opinions of random fuck-offs sitting around playing video games all day.
>> [_] Anon 3437934 I never want to see this faggot shit on my board again.
>> [_] Anon 3437937 >literally who does a literally what >(for money) Keep Twitch trannies on Twitch where they belong.
>> [_] Anon 3437941 While what he said was extreme, I do have to agree with him somewhat. The only reason these people think it is okay to run around ruining peoples lives is because the only punishment they are worried about is like a week in jail, and if they get a SJW sympathetic judge then they probably won't get punished at all. If Business owners were allowed to open fire on people destroying their property with minimal questions asked afterwards, protestors would just stick to actual protest rather than using a protest as an excuse to destroy and loot.
>> [_] Anon 3437947 >># >They're going to destroy insured, replaceable things >We should end their lives instead
>> [_] Anon 3437952 >># Yes. Destroying someone's property is criminal and should be punished appropriately. If a state is unable to enforce even such basic notions of justice it's only natural that citizens will start taking matters in their own hands.
>> [_] Anon 3437953 Never post here again.
>> [_] Anon 3437954 >># >implying businesses in black communities are insured bro just let me ruin your livelihood bro it's for justice man
>> [_] Anon 3437956 >># >># Theydon'tburndownanddestroypeoplesbusine ssesbecausetheywanttopurposelyfuckthemove r.They'retiredofbeinghuntedandmurdered.Pl entyofcaseswhereblackmenandwomendidnothin g,getmurdered,andnojusticehappens.Sowhent hisbecomesaconstantoccurringthing,ofcours ethey'regoingtoirrationallyattackwhatever theycan.Ifthesystemtheyliveincurrentlyisa imedtowardsdestroyingtheirpeople,whynotta keouteverything?I'dberagingtoo.It'snotrig httheyaren'ttargetingtherightpeople,butth isgivesnewscoverage,addsmorepeopletotheir side,andmakesthissituationmorewellknownar oundtheglobe.Themoreyoujustsay"Wellheshou ldhavecomplied!"themoreyougivepolicethepo wertodowhateverthehelltheywant,andbecomem oreofapolicestate.Whenanofficerisallowedt obejudge,jury,andexecutioner,willyoufeels afe?Willyouhavethethoughtinyourhead"Well. .theofficerwhoshootsmeinthebackofthehead will surely not serve time for their unjust actions" and feel completely fine with this? It's just preemptive steps to avoid a police state is all I'm saying.
>> [_] Anon 3437957 >># >If a state is unable to enforce even such basic notions of justice This whole fucking thing started because people are okay with state enforcers ending human lives for the minor infractions, breaking their own laws to do so, and not being punished for it.
>> [_] Anon 3437958 >># >why not take out everything? Because that is insane. Destroying property for publicity is wrong too.
>> [_] Anon 3437960 >># Two wrongs don't make a right.
>> [_] Anon 3437961 >># And if you see in the news every day a black person gets shot, someone of your race, constantly being murdered, around half of the time it's for no real reason, does that not sound like insanity to you as well? It's not particularly always for publicity, but maybe they just want this entire system we have to change.
>> [_] Anon 3437962 >># See >>#
>> [_] Anon 3437963 >># Agreed. They violate Geneva Convention on our own people. They assault the people of the US because they can. It's only a matter of time until they beat blacks into compliance that they'll aim for another target. People in power don't see in color, they see equals, and peasants, and black, white ,yellow, brown, we're all peasants to those pedophilic animals. >># I don't know what world you live in, but everything gained in society was from doing something wrong to another wrong in order to make it right. >British fuck over colonies by immense taxation >Colonies wage war on British rule to break off. Sound familiar?
>> [_] Anon 3437964 >># They aren't burning down police stations, are they? Also learn English before posting please.
>> [_] Anon 3437965 >># Nobody is oppressing black people. Out of more than 1 million violent crime each year in the united states, only 150 (one hundred and fifty) people were killed by policemen. No one is destroying black people. There's more black on white crimes than white on black despite blacks being a minority. >of course they're going to irrationally attack whatever they can. No it's not. Attacking other people and their belongings is criminal. >># >This whole fucking thing started because people are okay with state enforcers ending human lives for the minor infractions, breaking their own laws to do so, and not being punished for it. When did this happen?
>> [_] Anon 3437966 Didnt this guy blackmail underage girls for nudes back in like 2010
>> [_] Anon 3437967 >># >They aren't burning down police stations, are they? They're targeting places with low risk of death, police stations are armed 24/7, I don't care how mad you are at a system, you aren't going to attempt to fight an entire police force. And what are you on about with learning English? >># >No it's not. Attacking other people and their belongings is criminal. Interesting, so attacking unarmed black people in their own homes, or shooting a white man who complies with the law is okay? This happens too often. No other country has the amount of unnecessary police shootings as the US. As for black crime rates, this is a continual thing tied to systemic injustice and racism. We still see it today, houses appraised as much as 40% less than white houses because they have black culture in them, or black people being denied certain lines of credit or opportunity due to their name. >When did this happen? Plenty of videos out there. People saying no to the police is almost a guaranteed death sentence in the states. No ones property is more important than a persons life, I don't care if it is their livelihood. Put them on trial, and make them pay a fine. We don't need to put people down for protests.
>> [_] Anon 3437968 >># >When did this happen? Have you been living under a rock for the last 90 days?
>> [_] Anon 3437969 >># To reiterate on my point of people being shot for no reason. f_Daniel_Shaver f_Breonna_Taylor _George_Floyd TL;DR These people were un-armed, completely detained, and were still executed by police. There are dozens more, but I can't be fucked with getting more facts for someone whose going to purposely be ignorant to the elephant in the room.
>> [_] Anon 3437971 >># You lack healthy skepticism and have too much trust. I'm not that anon, but his question was clearly rhetorical beckoning for you to reflect on things. I'd suggest you do so. While you're at it, read the statement he quoted of you carefully and throughly.
>> [_] Anon 3437974 >># >You lack healthy skepticism and have too much trust There are videos, my guy. There's literally over a thousand unique videos of police using aggressive force on nonviolent protesters. There are videos of them killing George Floyd and shooting Jacob Blake.
>> [_] Anon 3437975 >># He's just gas-lighting. It's what alt-right does to attempt to make anyone who doesn't believe in their bootlicker society question themselves and in turn doubt their beliefs. It's a cute tactic, see it a ton on here. I wonder what this website would look like to a trained psychologist. If they know they can't argue something, they'll then attempt to turn it around on something else to further attempt to demean you.
>> [_] Anon 3437976 >># >Interesting, so attacking unarmed black people in their own homes, or shooting a white man who complies with the law is okay? This happens too often. And in these cases justice isn't enforced? >As for black crime rates, this is a continual thing tied to systemic injustice and racism. We still see it today, houses appraised as much as 40% less than white houses because they have black culture in them, or black people being denied certain lines of credit or opportunity due to their name. Weak excuse. Especially when you literally justifying more than half a million violent crimes that happen each year. Talking about elephants in the room... I honestly consider your line of reasoning sick. It's akin to defending a school shooter who guns downs down innocents because of the trouble he suffered through his life. By the way, did you know that Black on white violent crimes are ten times the White on black ones? >># Your elephant is a drop in an ocean. 150 out of 1.200.000 is absolutely irrisory. America is a fucking war zone of course they need a strong police. >No ones property is more important than a persons life, I don't care if it is their livelihood. I consider protecting oneself and one's property an undeniable human right. In a just society if a man is trying to burn down my house I should have the right to use violence adequately to stop it. >># You said "This whole fucking thing started because people are okay with state enforcers ending human lives for the minor infractions, breaking their own laws to do so, and not being punished for it." Show me the videosy my guy. Videos in which state enforcers end human lives AND are not punished for it.
>> [_] Anon 3437983 >># Welcome to /f/, now please kill yourself
>> [_] Anon 3437988 kill yourself and go back to /pol/
>> [_] Anon 3437989 >># Imagine caring about blacks, lmao :D
>> [_] Anon 3437993 >># > of_Breonna_Taylor >Gunfire was exchanged between Taylor's boyfriend Kenneth Walker and the officers. Walker said that he believed that the officers were intruders. YUP, THE RESIDENTS DECIDED TO START SHOOTING THEM, AS IF JUST SHOWING YOURSELF WITH A GUN WOULDN'T DISSUADE A POTENTIAL INTRUDER. SURELY NOT PUTTING FORTH REASONABLE DOUBT THAT THEY'RE ARMED. Did you even read the wikipedia entries for this trash before linking to it? If your narco/alcoholic lowlife is refusing to acknowledge police directions, they are in no way "completely detained". The police doesn't have to risk their lives on the slim chance that you're disobeying only by basis of being deadly high and not that you're trying to pull stupid shit.
>> [_] Anon 3437994 >># You want to know why you don't see cops shooting white people for no reason on the news? It is because it wouldn't get as much viewers.
>> [_] Anon 3437997 Can I just get a sauce on the music?
>> [_] Anon 3437998 >># Hso EMY
>> [_] Anon 3438000 >># You forgot they would attempt to murder people too by "protesting peacefully" with handguns, molotovs, and even a fucking skateboard as a shield
>> [_] Anon 3438002 >># Theyre punishing people that have nothing to do with their problem. If I have an issue with a person or an institution, then its appropriate to deal with that person or institution. If I was wronged by a gas station, I don't go home and destroy my neighbors house in retaliation. It makes no sense.
>> [_] Anon 3438003 >># >A trained psychologist >Training based in 1930s pseudoscience
>> [_] Anon 3438004 >># Let me guess... you can't do math can you? The way you think is completely dysfunctional. >why not take out everything? You're not taking it out on everything. You're taking it out on business owners that sometimes actually support your cause.
>> [_] Anon 3438007 >># lol fag
>> [_] Anon 3438016 Just when I thought /f/ was great today. All the shit was just concentrated in this one thread. Get. This. Shit. Of. Our. Board. Niggers. >># I'd rather a /f/ag whan this board getting run over by /pol/lacks. AGAIN. Take your super serious opinion swaying discussion elsewhere.
>> [_] Anon 3438019 >># Why the hell do you care? /f/ has been showing the same flashes for the last 10 years.
>> [_] Anon 3438021 >># Beacuase >>#
>> [_] Anon 3438026 Fuck off to whatever circlejerk you came from

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Created: 30/8 -2020 03:12:01 Last modified: 30/8 -2020 18:27:48 Server time: 13/03 -2025 12:57:59