File: eg (shitty f version).swf-(9.55 MB, 1100x750, Loop)
[_] Luigi Floating On An Egg Over The Sea W.T.Dinner !LTqeha3bQk 3442725 The shitty /f/ version with only 7 songs. I kinda have a love/hate relationship with this place because of the file size limit. It's literally just a 1 second loop with a handful of songs in it and it was STILL pushing it. Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] gravelord 3442727 >># cute
>> [_] Anon 3442741 >># Thanks Dinner. Still waiting for Ritsu btw.
>> [_] Anon 3442742 c'mon mods, can't the filesize limit be increased just a little? it's not like this is a busy board.
>> [_] W.T.Dinner !LTqeha3bQk 3442743 >># Ritsu's flash thing is taking longer because I wanted it to be a rhythm game and I realized I don't really know how to make one. So I bit off more than I could chew. You're gonna have to wait a little bit longer for that. Luckily I already made some other stuff in between to hold you over.
>> [_] Anon 3442756 >># what's this ritsu flash?
>> [_] Anon 3442758 >># IKR? /b/ uses like 1GB every second, and /f/ gets like 100 views a day... DO THE MATH, HIROSHIMA!
>> [_] Anon 3442772 >># ritsu giving titjob and fucked. >># a rhythm game? sounds nice. take your time with that. hoping for a handjob/blowjob scene in future flashes.
>> [_] Anon 3442793 >># i've been requesting 16 MiB for years. but nah. at least we got 10 instead of 8.