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Threads (1):
File: 240285_einstein (1).swf-(453 KB, 300x300, Other) [_] E=shitfuck Anon 3442806 Animutation by Joxa >> [_] Anon 3442812 ll never understand /f/-tards' raging hate-boners for the epileptic. >> [_] Habbu 3442821 Anal Cunt? >> [_] Anon 3442828 einstein y u do dis >> [_] Anon 3442841 >># it's just a product of its age that just aged poorly >> [_] Anon 3442859 >># I don't know the name of the song. It maybe Anal Cunt, Napalm Death, Nasum or any other grindcore band. It is hard to say. >> [_] Anon 3442889 >># to put it very very simple: they could I mean, sure there was pain ass inducing webms out there, but at the time, the framerate of something so simple like an embedded swf was unparalleled you could go fucking spastic with that shit it birthed the whole animutation subgenre and was part of the lolsorandumb humor of the 00s >> [_] Anon 3442890 >># >webms please forgive my absolute stupidity as I meant to say gifs |