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super_smash_a_pokegirl_brawl_ver _0.1.swf
13,44 MiB, 00:00 | [W] [I]

Threads (1):

[P5AOKIO]F !!!
ARCHIVEDDiscovered: 6/11 -2020 13:47:38 Ended: 5/7 -2021 01:06:34Flashes: 1 Posts: 78
/ > /fap/ > Thread 20541 Age: 233.46d Health: 0% Posters: 57 Posts: 78 Replies: 72 Files: 1+3
>> DinDin<3!96.E5MJGcE 80904 ver 0.1 I was gonna wait until after 2020 to do this but I figured I'd start on it before /f/ fucking dies. Here you go. Brawl. Slightly prettier than Melee version. And with 2 extra slots to fill stuff in. This time I'll try to add a girl from every generation since I've been skipping 6th, 7th and 8th gen lately. I have a good idea on who I want to add to this but I'm still open to suggestions if you have them. The real question is.. will there be 3rd parties? ~~~~~~~~~~~ This is what the leaf pic was hinting at btw. And I think I owe you guys a Star Wars update pretty soon too. Nothing new to add btw. I still wanna focus on a certain fivehead. [IMG] super_smash_a_pokegirl_brawl_ver_0.1.swf (13.44 MiB) 1100x750, Compressed (Deflate). 1 frame, 34 fps (00:00). Ver15, AS3. Network access: Text: Yes. Bitmaps: Yes. Audio: Yes. Video: <METADATA> [find in archive]
>> Anon 80905 lmao nice I was surprised with how long the leaf one went not that I'm complaining
>> Anon 80907 >># I know it's a longshot, but Ill ask for Lorelei as always.
>> Anon 80908 S o n i a please?
>> BernieOfTheKiddiefiddle 80909 Yo wtf this is epic! The leaf one vaguely reminded me of a mix between -8's Rosalina loop with a smidge of Power Puff Girls. I like how Meowth is just vibing there. A lot of effort was put into the expresions of these gals, thats why i love the Dinner mans shit. Speaking of suggestions...maybe something with that thicc scientist lady Wicke from gen 7 or her boss yandere mom Lusamine? Skyla (gen 5 gym leader) is the last that I could think of.
>> Anon 80910 I love it so much! So excited to see where you go with this. I will continue to root for all Dinner paizuri and I'll also vote for Courtney!
>> Anon 80912 This sure it's an early Christmas gift. "Only" two scenes and this already looks sooo good. As for suggestions, personally I don't have any favorites for gen 6, but for gen 7 I'll say Acerola (the rest already have a lot of stuff out there) and for gen 8 I'll say Gloria, because even if Marnie is cute, I think the MC is even better.
>> Anon 80913 Now there's a tune I haven't heard in a long time.
>> Anon 80914 it would be nice to see some of the pokemoms
>> Anon 80915 My vote is for Hilda, favorite by far. As for the late gens some good picks would be Shauna, ORAS May, Lana and Nessa.
>> Anon 80919 Can we get Marnie, Sonia and Olivia in here somewhere
>> Anon 80920 Hilda or Rosa would definitely be nice for gen 5 reps. Can never really go wrong with either of them.
>> Anon 80922 Wow...great work as always! I'll definitely vote for Sonia and Gloria.
>> Anon 80923 Great job as always Dindin! For those that haven't found it yet, wait a little on the selection screen and look at the lower left. Throwing out my suggestion, I'd love to see you animate Melony or Lusamine
>> Anon 80924 Very nice!
>> Anon 80925 >># what is it? it sounds super familiar
>> Anon 80928 song sauce is Kitsune^2 - Rainbow Tylenol
>> Anon 80931 Click on the triangle inside the letter A in Brawl 777 times for the scene where Sabrina fucks futa Tifa of FF7 on the top of the Empire State building.
>> Anon 80932 >># Wow, I was 1 sec away from writing it off as only a single scene demo. >># I'd say it'd be nice if meowth always did a little button pressing animation of scene advance. Some recommendation on Leaf: I understand that the Minus8 way is the way it is meant to be experienced, it looks great and as a whole I'd even say it is more lewd through the unity of motion and music. But for fapping purposed those flashes are kinda not great. My point is the long repeating cycles of animation and short pay off at the end make it kinda hard to use it as actual fap material. If it had like a gallery easteregg where you could click through the different animations at your own pace it would be just a huge improvement for that. You know, watch the whole thing, enjoy and then go into gallery to actually fap to it. The best -8 flashes always were the ones with lots of short scenes, all with their own cumming animation stacked together to make a long movie. The repeating ones were good from an artistic viewpoint, but little less than novelties when it comes to porn. Some criticism: Leaf's bulge seems to move in motion with her hips. That's not how bulges work, you can see the hidden length of the penis growing and diminishing with her movements, while in theory the length between the shaft from the balls to the tip of the bulge should stay somewhat constant. For votes, I'd say definitely Marnie, or Shauna. Lusamine also a great contender. Also that music on the main screen sounds familiar as fuck. >>#
>> Anon 80933 main menu music needs an spylenol fix
>> Anon 80935 That's so hot! Oh God, I'm gonna, ugh ungh, I'm gonna braaaaaaaawl Also he nutted but she keeps going AAAAAAAAAAA
>> Anon 80938 All I really want is some good ass focused content for Hilda No rape and make it fat
>> Anon 80944 Time to relentlessly campaign for Sabrina agin
>> Anon 80945 Time to relentlessly campaign for Sabrina again
>> Anon 80948 Something with Unova Ace Trainer ♀ please!
>> Anon 80949 I wish we had more Emerald May doggy style content Every time people do May it is Ruby or ORAS May
>> Anon 80960 nessa fucking pov amazon style with a creampie finish
>> Anon 80964 where can i find your stuff after /f/ is dead?
>> DinDin<3!96.E5MJGcE 80966 Thanks for all the love and feedback, guys. It makes me happy how so many people enjoy my shitty work. >># As much as I like /f/ my stuff is too big for the size limit so I don't really post all that much there anymore. If this site is still active after Dec 31st and we're still not raptured into heaven then you'll still see my posts here like always.
>> Anon 80967 please, Dinner, may paizuri please. Any paizuri please
>> Anon 80972 >># Paizuri brother, thank you for backing me up. All paizuri is good paizuri.
>> Anon 80973 >># MY ASS IS SHITTY, never your works.
>> Anon 80978 I'm enjoying this, I love new Leaf flashes. And your cumshots really gotten better, especially the Misty flash. Can you add a scene where tentacles spread her legs and penetrate her anus (or vagina). I like your Sailor Moon Flash a lot.
>> Anon 80979 I thought I was supposed to click on Meowth to advance.
>> Anon 80992 No suggestion on girls, but how about a joke/scenario about Randomizer mod or Twitch Plays Pokemon?
>> Anon 80993 add Prechooler from S/M
>> Anon 80994 add Preschooler from S/M
>> Vengeance 80995 Amazing work as always Din, cant wait for more
>> Anon 81004 Just thought about how no Pokegirl flash yet featured a female professor. I don't know how many there are (mostly in the newer gens I suppose), but I think you could do a cool scene with a milfy prof eating up some shota who just wanted a free Pikachu. I'd also take Ash's or May's mom for that matter.
>> Anon 81013 any eggs in this yet?
>> Anon 81021 I'm suggesting Kahili or Mina from S/M, they're both super underrated qts and would love to see either of them
>> Anon 81022 >># No spoon feeding in my thread, plz.
>> Anon 81027 Can I suggest either Anabel or Caitlin?
>> Anon 81029 >># this dude gets it, seconding Mina
>> Anon 81032 What abouth Zinnia?She may be a bit of a weirdo...but she is kinda hot...and people have been meming that she molest you after you lose to her in the delta episode.
>> Anon 81033 Sabrina, Hex Maniac, and Lorelei
>> Anon 81034 >># I would second Zinnia! Please din.
>> Anon 81046 >># Another +1 for Zinnia
>> Anon 81048 >># click the pokéball that appears in the bottom left corner
>> Anon 81090 I thought i was the only one who wanted Zinnia
>> Anon 81091 Everyone's saying Zinnia, and while I agree with that, also put Lana. Can never get enough Lana.
>> Anon 81141 Also,there is almost Zero (as dar as i know) zinnia animation so that would be welcome.
>> DinDin<3!96.E5MJGcE 81170 >># Not alot of people like Zinnia at all. I feel bad for her.
>> Anon 81175 >># >I feel bad for her Not me. age/1467/76/1467764120269.png
>> Anon 81178 >># >># >># Zinnia and Rayquaza ryona flash when?
>> Anon 81180 Stellar, as always! As for future additions I'm always partial to Dawn
>> Nanonymous 81340 I love the new update! I'd want to see Hex Maniac, Valerie, or Punk Girl from X/Y
>> Anon 81347 >># can we get Whitney and Clair?
>> Anon 81348 >># Cheryl too?
>> Anon 81354 >># im up for Courtney too
>> Nanonymous 81359 What about Klara or Peonia from the new games?
>> Anon 81457 If i had a vote still then ill ask for two third party characters. Like how we get snake and sonic in brawl. Since this is a big deal, this was the first game to have fighters from other nintendo games to join the battle. So if ypu added someone then maybe it can be a pokemon character but from a sub series game. Maybe pokemon ranger, or any other pokemon related gaem thats not a "main game" you know? I like mystery dunegon, and i choose eevee(female) as my partner since eevee has a very good healing in the game. Refresh can cure ANYTHING, confusion, sealing, stuck, even perish song. Yes no joke.
>> Anon 81458 Oh yeah also can you please explain how to find the easter eggs? I found the PTCG one by accident and i dont know how to et it again... is it having to do with the menu music getting changed? Or doing the girls in a certain order? . ..oh and for another party suggestion is pokken. There are female trainers and npcs in the game, since we do need the second third party "fighter" i know that of the pokemon rangers will be the first. The reaosn why is that games are fun and do have the girl protagonist option. So yea... hope i game some inspiration.
>> Anon 81542 >># >but can it cure corona-chan also add her pls
>> Anon 81548 >># do we have a release date for version .3? or at least when Zinnia's done?
>> Anon 81556 Did anyone click on the pokeball ?
>> Nanonymous 81822 Can you put Lana in here?
>> Anon 81823 >># There's as v0.2 thread. Go there.
>> luigiymario2 81832 it's really nice how you keep working on these dude, I absolutely love your work! keep doing what you're doing!
>> Anon 82536 Caitlin from Gen V Elite 4 Please
>> Anon 82648 Any news in 2021? Just asking, not rushing or putting pressure. Making sure things are okay in 202q at least for you Dinner
>> Anon 82656 >># see >>>82560
>> Anon 84709 >># ha ha look at this dude
>> Anon 84710 >># Download it and play it on a stand alone flash player.
>> Anon 84711 >># you can play it in the browser with the native flash player too, just gotta downgrade a bit and change some files there are tutorials for that kinda stuff
>> Anon 84723 >># lmao, even a retard like me figured out a way in like half an hour of searching and work
>> Anon 84773 >># + download standalone palemoon ( Portable_versions) + download the last flash installer - it doesn't really matter which version anyway (archives here: 0/ er/debug_downloads.html) + download the edited plugins from here ( and replace them congratulations, you can now browse sites like swfchan and /f/ again with your special flash edition browser even having chrome and palemoon open at the same time doesn't magically explode your pc! bonus time: + create a new text file and rename it to: "mm.cfg" + open it in editor, add the line: SuppressDebuggerExceptionDialogs=1 + to it and save it, put it in your user folder (C:\users\[YOURSTUPIDUSERNAME]) it will prevent annoying error popup messages that stem from the plugin using the debug version as base
Created: 6/11 -2020 13:53:10 Last modified: 5/7 -2021 01:09:46 Server time: 13/03 -2025 09:58:28