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Threads (2):
File: what's it like to be #1.swf-(8.19 MB, 768x576, Loop) [_] #1 Anon 3465561 >> [_] Anon 3465565 >># Israel right now >> [_] Anon 3465566 >># And the last 50 years. >> [_] Anon 3465567 it's weird to see modern pop culture on /f/. >> [_] Anon 3465590 ...is this a recent ytmnd? >> [_] Anon 3465592 >># >># OP here I made this loop on my own, I wanted to keep the spirit of flash alive and I thought its a funny scene that fits this music. >it's weird to see modern pop culture on /f/. NO SARCASM: Do you think its sacrilegious to post new stuff on /f/ and it should be a shrine to the glory days of flash ? I can adjust my behavior accordingly. I can make new content from time to time or not. Tell me what you think. >> [_] Anon 3465598 >># everyone likes OC, and if you think it's funny then it's worth posting. what no one wants to see is a meme of the week from /v/ or a tik tok video converted to FLV. >> [_] Anon 3465599 >># >Do you think its sacrilegious to post new stuff on /f/ No, obviously not. Post cool things, regardless of age. >> [_] Anon 3465602 >># >what no one wants to see is a meme of the week from /v/ or a tik tok video converted to FLV. I made it myself and its only posted on /f/ >># >No, obviously not. Post cool things, regardless of age. What did you think of the loop ? Give me feedback. >> [_] Anon 3465603 >># >I made it myself and its only posted on /f/ I know that, I meant more broadly. sometimes people try posting things from /pol/ etc. over on this board and that sort of thing is never welcome. I like your loop though. >> [_] Anon 3465604 >># >I like your loop though. Thanks however the material is lacking. I wanted to have a superman character who is not bothered by anything while everyone around him is destroyed like its nothing. I think if homelander did explode the guy into gore or was shot with guns before it make a better scene for this content. Any suggestions? Invincible doesn't have anything good and I like how sarcastic the body language of homelander is here. >> [_] Anon 3465605 >># >sometimes people try posting things from /pol/ etc What do they exactly do? >> [_] Anon 3465607 >># this comes to mind from the comic itself https://i0.wp.com/comicnewbies.com/wp-co ntent/uploads/2020/07/homelander-kills-a- family-of-four-2-e1595679718886.jpg https://i.pinimg.com/originals/ec/f0/a5/ ecf0a588a7d8fead09626ecb0ed1f473.jpg I know it's not really translatable to flash, but hey, at least something, right? >> [_] Anon 3465610 >># >I know it's not really translatable to flash, but hey, at least something, right? Thanks. I was thinking of making a shitty animation where I stick the live action photo of homelander onto a cheaply made flash body (you remember these ?) and make him do all kinds of crazy things that I want then cut to the ending of this clip where he flies away. What do you think? Or will I go above 10 MB ? >> [_] Anon 3465611 >># if you actually animate it in flash you shouldn't be going above 1MB >> [_] Anon 3465626 Well, guess it's alright? It's done well enough and the music is fitting. I just don't find it to be really funny, because it's only a flat LOLPOLITICS AMIRITE joke, it's just not nearly goofy or edgy or gory enough to stand on its own. >># if you properly reuse resources, it shouldn't just think about those "force push" memes from the star wars days, where obi wan does the push animation and everytime something stupid happens it wouldn't take exorbitant amount of size, because the push animation repeated every other second is always the same (and therefore takes up no more additional space in a flash) >> [_] Anon 3465632 >># >it's only a flat LOLPOLITICS AMIRITE joke Not really its more a joke on having supers who can take everything while everyone is basically made out of wet toilet paper. I think the best thing to illustrate this would be invincible especially the final episode. indestructible superman who can do everything and normal humans made out of wet toilet paper. > it's just not nearly goofy or edgy or gory enough to stand on its own. I can only work with I'm given here. I liked his body language and his facial expressions however I admit it would be x33 better if he exploded the guy into gore. >> [_] Anon 3465658 What's the sauce on this show? >> [_] Anon 3465691 >># The Boys >> [_] Anon 3465697 >Homelander no idea this character existed until now >First appearance Comic series: The Boys #3 (November 2006) wait, so The Boys is a somewhat new comic and already has a TV adaptation? sure it's 15 years later but that feels like nothing when talking about comic-book characters. no wonder i didn't know who Homelander was. refreshing with something new for once, though looks like he is basically superman. >> [_] Anon 3465708 >># The Boys is a comic for comic fans only. It's essentially "What if superheroes were created by DC and Marvel for real?" and it results in them being huge fucking assholes that fuck/rape, murder, etc. indiscriminately while keeping a good public image. Homelander is literally meant to be Superman as a sociopath, who makes 9/11 worse. It's made by a guy who hates superhero comics, so that's why (though ironically he loves Superman and Superman only)
File: # 1.swf-(8.19 MB, 768x576, Loop) [_] What its like to be #1 OC 3463834 Homelander solves another international situation. |