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Threads (2):
File: ERIKA.swf-(7.76 MB, 1100x750, Porn) [_] Anon 3483656 >> [_] Anon 3483671 this person should try making more then just porn, i'd give money to it honestly because they draw well. >> [_] Anon 3483707 >># God, I'd love me some cum animations on those loops. >> [_] Anon 3483709 >># there's ten million artists out there that only get an audience because they draw porn. animators making cartoons on youtube get no views and they make no money on their crowdfunding platforms. >> [_] Anon 3483713 >># thats my point, i'd pay for this person to get crowdfunding, or i'd be their firs tcrowdfunder to just make whatever they want that's also not porn >> [_] Anon 3483715 >># who's the artist? Need to see more of his stuff. >> [_] Anon 3483716 >># Nvm, I'm genuinely retarded >> [_] Anon 3483718 >># that secures him 5-10 bucks, it aint much to live by >> [_] Anon 3483723 >># lol assuming you know my budget and that im not some rich autist >> [_] Anon 3483727 >># you're shitposting on /f/, i was generous not writing 1-5 bucks
/ > /fap/ > Thread 22977 Age: 179.52d Health: 0% Posters: 15 Posts: 25 Replies: 19 Files: 1+3 >> DinDin<3!tr.t4dJfuU 85578 DUDE WEED LMAO consume plant [IMG] Erika.swf (7.76 MiB) 1100x750, Compressed (Deflate). 1 frame, 34 fps (00:00). Ver15, AS3. Network access: Text: Yes. Bitmaps: Yes. Audio: Yes. Video: <METADATA> [find in archive] >> Anon 85589 Stoner Approved. >> Vengeance 85609 >># Beginning to think this isn't weed but rather DMT + LSD lmfaooo >> Anon 85616 >># Just wondering, do you not post your flashes on /f/ anymore, DinDin? >> Vengeance 85623 >># If I’m not mistaken he said he no longer does due to the 10 Mb file size limit on /f/ >> Anon 85632 Good shit again as usual. Love the thighjob scene. >> Anon 85638 >># But this file is only 7,76 mb? Of course he's not gonna post that 40 mb one. Not that I care really, I just remember Dinner crossposting at the beginning and haven't seen this on /f/ yet, somebody else should do the honor, but I don't know if there isn't a reason for him to not do it. >> Anon 85703 LMAO DINDIN THIS SHIT IS TOO GOOD IM SO FUCKING HIGH RN AND I WILL PROBABLY DIE FROM TACHYCARDIA OR OTHER HEART RELATED SHIT BUT THIS ONE IS A PURE GOLD MUCH OBLIGED MY FRIEND >> Anon 85711 The intro had more personality and was better animated than the actual porn part >> Anon 85729 >># I mean, maybe, he's using that for a lot of flashes from here on out I suppose. But the actual flash was still very much up to snuff. Looking good, especially the blowjob. Only thing is no cum though I think. Has anyone found any secrets in this yet? >> Anon 85795 >># No secrets to be found. What you see is what you get. >> Anon 85826 >># Should have been increased to at least 16 MB (old limit times 2) over 10 years ago. Instead they just increased it by 2 MB. But there were many good flashes coming out that were just above 10 MB. Rarely over 16 MB. Being able to post more quality content on /f/ would have meant more people saw it worthwhile to stick around. >> Anon 85827 Damn bro, nice flash btw. >> Anon 85835 >># On one hand, yes maybe. But on the other you'd just be enabling every farted out youtube convert or simple 3mb flash loop to be 16mb flat. So only the worst flashes really profit from it, while the art of keeping low file sizes would slowly degrade over time. But I do agree that around 15mb would actually be a very reasonable limit >> Anon 85841 >># We already get those videos today, just in worse quality. Increasing the size to 16 wouldn't increase the quantity, just the quality. Since a streaming flash video starts within a couple of seconds regardless of size there's no drawback to that. Even if it's not streaming it still just takes a few seconds more to download for most people. People upload 4 MB jpg images to 4chan all the time and that's just a single image. One of those on /v/ or /tv/ will rake up way more bandwidth for the site than a 16 MB flash on /f/ ever will (even 10 years ago). The art of keeping flashes as small as possible would remain the same for non-video flashes and keeping video flashes small isn't much of an art in the first place. Finally, if we could upload more >10 MB flashes that are not videos it would thin out the amount of video flashes people post, since everybody would have a much greater selection of non-video flashes to choose from. >> Anon 86116 >># Hey do you have a source on the song used? I didnt see one outside the frame. >> Anon 86332 >># as soon as i heard it i recognized the sampling style and general tone, it's this talented son of a bitch graham kartna i went ahead and tried to find the song to confirm, and i did xoxo an-obsession-with-kit-ep >> Anon 86333 >># listen to sweet trip by the way and graham has some other great stuff, i like the style of a lot of those albums the first one i listened to was "tell you" from that one an0nymooose animation and then i found graham again on soundcloud with the ideation deluxe album, very charming first song >> Anon 86496 DOOOOOOOOOOOOD WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEED >> Anon 86704 Do you do the big weed dindin? >> Anon 86708 >># beeeeq chungus >> Anon 86713 >># cringe >> Anon 86714 >># and blue pilled >> Anon 86717 Dindin, wen next flash? >> Anon 86726 >># don't rush art |