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Threads (8):
File: Faces.swf-(2.62 MB, 800x600, Loop) [_] Anon 3513797 I was about to make a thread on /pol/ that will get moved to /bant/ but i'm spending the 50 seconds to swap IP adresses wisely
File: Faces.swf-(2.62 MB, 800x600, Loop) [_] Anon 3504642 >> [_] Anon 3504643 amazing stuff, anon >> [_] thanks op 3504650 great post, thanks op >> [_] Anon 3504656 :v posting best posting
File: Faces.swf-(2.62 MB, 800x600, Loop) [_] Anon 3502245 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 3502246 I'll never forget the day his death was revealed. It was on the same day /f/ died >> [_] Anon 3502250 >># You're like a stoner without his marry jane. His second death isn't for a long time >> [_] Anon 3502251 What are the chances that this was posted? Never heard about this guy until 2 days ago, and I noticed several people wore shirts with the guys mask & name on it (I thought it was a reference to the video game though). Then this is posted on /f/, today, just as I check for the first time in weeks. >> [_] :v 3502266 I really like the way the interlacing and scaling adds some texture but I could never get the blink, hiccup and color change to line up :/ Still one of my favorite loops though MF D was definitely my bridge into more underground art rap. >> [_] Anon 3502267 qrd? >> [_] Anon 3502332 >># >/f/ died But we still here=? >># The hivemind strikes again.
File: Faces.swf-(2.62 MB, 800x600, Loop) [_] Anon 3500504 The flash player on my phone doesn't always work but it lets me skip passwords and sometimes it fast forwards an entire flash movie >> [_] Anon 3500505 >># what player do you use on your phone? >> [_] Anon 3500508 >># swf player free. Downloaded of apkpure >> [_] Anon 3500516 >># I use that too but most flashes don't play on that, especially the ones with a preloader or any of :v's flashes I recently found a new one called Webgenie swf player which does play :v's flashes but doesn't work with others that the first player does. Also it doesn't have enabled interactivity and has ads after I close a flash so I switch between these two players >> [_] Anon 3500548 >># it probably just plays the main timeline and ignores AS3 commands, which isn't how a lot of newer or more complex flashes are meant to be experienced, let alone games >> [_] Anon 3500559 >phone Found your problem. >> [_] Anon 3500560 I remember on the same day flash support was officially discontinued, MF DOOM was announced dead what a fucking new years that was. Drunkenly browsing /f/ all day, seeing flashes being posted that I hadn't seen in decades. Twas the last day this board was truly active, having more than a couple people posting at the same time
File: Faces.swf-(2.62 MB, 800x600, Loop) [_] Anon 3493181 >> [_] Anon 3493182 Song name: Gazillion Ear >> [_] please 3493184
File: Faces.swf-(2.62 MB, 800x600, Loop) [_] Two Years Past, RIP Anon 3489203 But also Happy Halloween!
File: Faces.swf-(2.62 MB, 800x600, Loop) [_] RIP MF DOOM Anon 3475245 >> [_] Anon 3475253 >some rapper Why do I feel no sense of loss here? >> [_] Anon 3475263 Shit franchise + shit soundtrack = doubleshit flash >> [_] Anon 3475298 >># All caps when you spell the name. >> [_] Anon 3475300 so he was 49 when he died. hey anon, wouldn't it be crazy if you only have 10-20 years left to live? yeah you who's reading this. everybody always assume they will live above 70 but millions die before 50 every year. >> [_] Anon 3475316 >># god, I wish this was me not in a bloody accident or painful cancer type of way, just like, not waking up anymore tomorrow >> [_] Anon 3475324 >># Because covid hit you >> [_] Anon 3475337 >># pious hopes
File: Faces.swf-(2.62 MB, 800x600, Loop) [_] L o o p s / b l o g p o s t :v 3466472 Hey /f/rens >Here's a blog post update. I'm not dead, not entirely at least Sold a bunch of my shit, quit my job and did consulting work/ lab start up via remote for the past months. >shit ton of COVID testing farms still popping up Hit the gym and and got adopted by a group of fitness lesbians. Moved into a new place outside the city Started a new job at biotech medical startup that is all super "just feel good blah blah, oh we don't drug test" so I started smoking a shit ton "legal weed" >seriously how is this shit still illegal it's done what decades of psychotherapy and tons of prescriptions failed to do. It's been a wild ~6 mo. In and out of rehab hospitalized twice (surprisingly not self harm) am still a huge fgt still sadboi postan /f/ is still around so it's awwight I've got a backlog of content to get through. >for all of the 5 people who still check /f/ Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 3466473 stay safe /f/ren >> [_] Anon 3466483 >># I like this, thank you >> [_] Anon 3466484 >># take care, :v >> [_] ta-kun 3466485 >># I'm glad your journeys are going well, yet, that biotech business you are talking about now sounds like alt medicine. Keep yourself out of things that are too sketchy, friend. >> [_] Anon 3466489 >># >that one frame that makes it unbearable to watch on loop other than that a solid tune as always to your shitpost I thought you were getting a lobotomy it's good to have you back, :v, you're truly one of a kind blessing >> [_] Anon 3466491 That's the great thing about /f/, no matter what changes in the world it's still repost day here. Glad to hear you're still with us /f/ren >> [_] :v 3466496 >># It’s a COVID testing farm. They just run COVID tests and collect gov monies. I just tell them how to remain compliant with all the testing regulations and sit in payroll. They’ll dissolve within the year but I’ve already got other things lined up. >># Thenk >># I kinda like the hiccup frame. I struggled with weather or not to leave it in but yeah it’s not as solid of a loop as usual I’m a bit rusty. >># Repost AND shit post day is everyday! :DDDDD >> [_] John Moses Browning 3466507 >># Hi So tl;dr you will make more Snoop Dogg related posts? Godspeed btw >> [_] Anon 3466525 >># thank you for your service fren o7 >> [_] Anon 3466575 >># you have a cool job at a cool company, you have friends, and I don't know what you've been through, but damn I wish I had what you had I used to make a ton of money, I did it to help friends and family, but when I needed help I realized that everyone around me wasn't up to task. I have no one now, no job, I have one last ditch effort to get back to work and make a living, and after than I have a daunting new task ahead. I have no help, I have to do this all on my own. good luck, whoever you are >> [_] gravelord 3466576 >># hi |