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Rock Candy [spectacular Spectrophilia] script edit 1 (more vaginal).swf
9,92 MiB, 00:01 | [W] [I]

Threads (1):

[ES41JTF]F !
ARCHIVEDDiscovered: 23/7 -2021 09:58:48 Ended: 3/1 -2022 09:45:11Flashes: 1 Posts: 12
/ > /fap/ > Thread 23454 Age: 157d Health: 0% Posters: 7 Posts: 12 Replies: 11 Files: 1+2
>> Anon 86334 Rock Candy [Spectacular Spectrophilia] Script Edit 1 (more vaginal) I don't know how to make OR statements in actionscript, but I still managed to weight the random scene selector so that you get vaginal sex 3/5ths of the time, rather than 1/3rd. If I knew how to add buttons, and do OR statements, then I could simply allow the user to pick the scene, or the probability on the fly. You're welcome. [IMG] Rock Candy [spectacular Spectrophilia] script edit 1 (more...swf (9.92 MiB) 1500x1000, Compressed (Deflate). 21 frames, 24 fps (00:01). Ver9, AS1/AS2. Network access: Text: Yes. Bitmaps: Yes. Audio: Yes. Video: [find in archive]
>> Anon 86337 Damn they only got 3/5ths a pussy where's Lincoln when you need him
>> Anon 86341 >># I'm more of a 2/5ths guy myself tbo.
>> Anon 86416 I've been waiting since day 1 for a scene select or cum button, but this is as close as I'll get
>> Anon 86420 if you ask me it's kinda strange to hax it just for a 60% chance instead of a 33% chance. is rock candy still doing any flash?
>> Anon 86474 >># Yeah he's still slowly working on that big multi-scene zoo projects and whatnot, it'll probably be his last SWF since flash died obviously and he's mentioned moving to other programs for future stuff but says he'll figure that out when this is done
>> Anon 86518 >># You sure?
>> Anon 86553 >># What a shame, another paragon of flash animation would be lost to meaningless propaganda.
>> Anon 86740 >># Propaganda? Isn't it because of adobe stopping the support of flash?
>> Anon 86744 >># No, because stopping "support" means nothing to a creator creating a flash and a viewer watching it any way. It's more like everyone jumping ship, because (((they))) spammed the internet and news with how dangerous and outdated and not needed anymore flash is, that everyone and their computer expert grandma stopped using flash just like Adobe shoves in your face. You have to jump through hoops to be able to still use it, not big ones mind you, but it's enough for the average joe to see no value in it. Seeing there is no market anymore for flash animations in general made creators not bothering to release flashes. A lot still create their base animations in flash or the new animate, but you have to use a lot of aftereffects and just put out a video. Rock Candy was so good at using flash, a master after many years. Just think about how this will impact his animating if he really switched programs to something elementarily different after so much time. All hail our new HTML5 overlords.
>> Anon 86745 >># This seems like schizo tier nonsense. Why would ((((they)))) do any of that? There's no motive for some conspiracy, it's just literally a lack of support due to a lack of funding. They aren't making money. Flash was dying slowly and being pushed out by animators in lieu of better programs for years now. Only a few stubborn porn animators stuck to it (Like RC).
>> Anon 86746 >># Better programs for animation? Surely. Better formats for end users? Not exactly. Disregarding the fact that the flash format was never succeeded by any other format in its entirety. Trust me, they could just have let it die on its own, why the need to make that big of a deal until no soul on earth dares to still use flash. The motive is simple control over content excerted over the internet. The HTML consortium aka Google, Microsoft, etc. aka Alphabet just wants you to stop being able to play flash. Being able to play thousands of old app tier flash games that already exist for free when you can charge a buck for the exact same thing in a store. Apple did it long before them. Flash was the only usable plugin for the longest time even after Mozilla pushed for the removal of all of that, because Adobe still had some power being a huge company themselves. But they weren't exactly big fans of flash themselves. It was like a hot iron ever since. And when they saw the damage coming in from all that muh virus propaganda and realized that flash doesn't give them that much market share in the day of youtube not using flash anymore, in the day of HTML succeeding video players and interactive personal websites aren't a thing anymore as well as flash game sites, partly because they fell to the same strike of "upgrading to HTML5 games" - Adobe just went ahh fuck it and gave in. Really HTML5 is better for playing video files, and that's it basically as far as advantages over swf go. The rest is just people bandwagoning and slowely the community is crumbling more ever since the creators slowely fade away too. Which goes to show that this site still existing is somewhat of a holy grail. Also /f/ I suppose.

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Created: 23/7 -2021 10:00:51 Last modified: 3/1 -2022 09:49:56 Server time: 14/03 -2025 04:38:25