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This is the wiki page for Flash #241886
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3,8 MiB, 01:50 | [W] [I]

Threads (1):

ARCHIVEDDiscovered: 12/9 -2021 10:38:42 Ended: 17/3 -2022 13:02:57Flashes: 1 Posts: 9
/ > /fap/ > Thread 23773 Age: 179.11d Health: 0% Posters: 7 Posts: 9 Replies: 7 Files: 1+3
>> Anon 87041 [IMG] Valeria32.swf (3.8 MiB) 1000x800, Compressed (Deflate). 3313 frames, 30 fps (01:50). Ver10, AS3. Network access: Text: Bitmaps: Yes. Audio: Video: <METADATA> [find in archive]
>> Anon 87043 Where is this flash from? My google search has failed.
>> Anon 87044 >># not saying it is them, but it looks a lot like some of HattoriHanzo's old works.
>> Anon 87045 It is, but is not that old. This was originally released on June, but just now the author made it public... this version with only Valeria. But he has an update one with Hermione in his Fanbox. I don't know if he will release said version in a few months too, but if someone wants to see Hermione getting fucked by some magical tentacles, you know where to search.
>> Anon 87046 >># have you got a link to his pixiv? can't find it.
>> Anon 87051 >>#
>> Anon 87075 amazing, thanks for the upload OP >># 03 >Fantastic Valeria (ver. 32) >Valeria, from the fantastic four, as a commission for an interactive flash animation.... > PUBLIC NOW: H_rZ_x0rcIAFmA >Second girl is Hermione, from Harry Potter, with a complete exclusive set for her. (Valeria is attacked and impregnated by tentacles, Hermione gets pregnant...with something more magical.) >The version including Hermione is available ONLY for subscribers and fans with the 'Bottle of milk' plan: >For the Twin Angels and Inma Seiden episodes, ONLY here: For hours of my time doing this stuff, ONLY your support. hope someone leaks the paywalled flash eventually
>> Anon 87076 >># >you know where to search The only place I know that indexes paywalled content is and there's no record of "hanzohatori" (or "hattorihanzo"). So where should we search?
>> Anon 87096 >># The one true king.

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Created: 12/9 -2021 10:45:03 Last modified: 17/3 -2022 14:39:36 Server time: 17/03 -2025 04:43:25