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Threads (1):
File: Saudade.swf-(2.96 MB, 480x640, Anime) [_] Thanks /f/ Anon 3475515 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 3475516 This was my first ever flash, I made this like just now!! >> [_] Anon 3475522 >># >was born in 2001 >is now 20 years old Damn. >> [_] Anon 3475523 >># ok boomer >> [_] Anon 3475525 >># This song reminds me of burnout 3 and most of its OST just encapsulates the early 00's feel for me where I played the shit out of that game and its 2 sequels on PS2. As for your flash, it's serviceable, the visuals and audio don't really go well together but since the song is such a banger it's good enough to go with almost anything. Speaking of audio you might wanna learn how to cut and turn it into a seamless loop. You can use free Audacity or pirate Sony Vegas Pro or Adobe Premiere. And also never leave the background white. I give it 6/10 solid first flash >> [_] Anon 3475526 >># I actually picked this song because I love takedown, I still play it on my ps2. I use audacity but I didn't know if I could pull off the audio loop like that. Why should I not leave it white? >> [_] Anon 3475533 >># >reddit spacing Well your age sure is showing, OP. But on /f/ you could become a honorary oldfag anyway. Audacity is not that hard. Just find a part of the wave that looks exactly the same, cut it at exactly that same part and copy paste the thing to check if the loop works. Refine at need. (Protip cuts are better when there is no sound on that frame, rather than in the middle of a wave swing). White sucks balls, OP, when watched fullscreen black is better on the eyes, less distracting from the visuals, which are kind of dark, so the transition is less crass. Also, while cute, it is better to leave hidden messages to /f/ in the space under or above the flash. This way it's like finding a little secret too. And while you're at it put audio and visual sauce in there too for posterity. >> [_] Anon 3475534 >># >if I could pull off the audio loop like that. practice makes perfect my /f/ren, just take a song and try to find the sweet spots - the beginning and the end - where the song turns into a seamless loop running in the 90s is pretty easy to make a loop out of actually I've made a tutorial on it in sony vegas a few years back 53419413183266830/415332737541472257/2018 -02-20_03-14-03.mp4 >why not leave it white because when you view it in full screen or in a new tab the sides are visible and it doesn't look good when they're white. Well in this case only the left side is visible since the picture is bigger than the stage so it covers it generally you should always change the stage background to black or whichever color fits the visuals >> [_] Anon 3475542 >># I don't use reddit, I just prefer spacing... Thanks for the tip, I'll do that! I put the audio source in there, but I actually couldn't find the original for the gif, the farthest I could trace it was to an old rp forum thread called "Portals and Doors" where some loser used it for their OC, and I refused to accept that they were the original artist. >> [_] Anon 3475543 >># Thanks! I don't normally fullscreen flashes when I watch them, does everyone do that? >> [_] Anon 3475544 >># >># >># I'm serious when I say I live like an oldfag. I've got the degen sleep schedule, I consume early 00's content every single day. This music is a staple to my existence. I wish so much that I could be like you guys, as lame as it is to say. Your culture is so rich and passionate to me, and I love that. My fellow zoomers are nice and all, but we're all so numbed by society and reality and we didn't evolve to rage against the machine we evolved to subside and let it run its course so there's no emotion. Despite living on my computer and consuming this media, I'm still sad that I couldn't have been there in those days. Some of my favorite flashes in my collection are just lame /f/ posts I date as far back as 2006. Thanks for the support /f/rens and old/f/ags, with the next 6 days of my adobe animate free trial I'll be making a new flash every day and posting it! >> [_] Anon 3475545 >># it's from black rock shooter you better learn how to use reverse image search engines >> [_] Anon 3475548 >># >># >># cute larp >> [_] Anon 3475566 >># I'm not him, but let's hope for the best and not for the worst. Therefore, i'd like to imagine it's actually true. >> [_] Anon 3475578 >># >Reddit spacing joke You're just old and trying too hard to fit in This joke was stale from day 1 2006fag here, you were never funny not witty in the first place. >> [_] kind stranger 3475580 >># >># On Reddit, you have to write two newlines to make a paragraph break, or two spaces and one newline to make a line break. "Reddit spacing" refers to leaving an empty line between a post ID and the body of the message. This would prevent something like: > >># > foo from appearing as: > >># foo A freshly arrived Redditor would not know that this is not an issue on 4Chan. I hope this information will be valuable to you in the future. Take care! >> [_] Anon 3475595 >># Considering [embed] is only ruffle at this point, if you want to watch a flash you gotta watch it fullscreen in a new tab. That's the OG way, I'm glad I got away from embedding anyway, it was a bad habit that crept in. Guess if you download and play with projector you don't have that issue, but that is the emergency way to do it anyway, not recommended for a full-time-/f/ag. >> [_] Anon 3475598 >># I started browsing in like 09 or 10, and I felt similar to how OP seems to feel. Things like the "Lulz - A Corruption of LOL", EncyclopediaDramatica, and older site events (GETs, April Fools, etc.) were so enthralling as an extension of early 2000's website features, and the experimentation that was still going on there. After over a decade of browsing, I wish I still had this kid's youthful wonderment. |