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Threads (1):

ARCHIVEDDiscovered: 18/3 -2022 17:58:36 Ended: 18/3 -2022 17:58:36Flashes: 1 Posts: 1
File: Asedio.swf-(516 KB, 750x500, Game)
[_] Castle Siege Anon 3481128 How to play: Defend the castle by dragging and dropping enemy soldiers from the heights, or delaying them. You can also make them prisoners by bringing them to the jail in the top-right and wait until it it is lit green. After the day is over you can slay them for extra money, but don't overdo their execution or you'll break the axe before dealing with the rest. Then you can buy all kinds of weapons and defenses for the ensuing fiends. Shop: >Repair castle Repairs damage >Archers and arrows These can shoot at the furthest half of the battlefield. Keep pressing to reach further >Boiling oil Kills enemies at the gates >Water buckets Puts out the flaming arrows that slowly damaging the castle >Outer wall Stops enemies until it's destroyed >save game Button to the left, costs 300.000 (Salvar: Save, Cargar: Load) Enemies: >Soldier Drag and drop, arrows, oil, or capture. Killing them in the battlefield grants 5k >catapult Shoots boulders, you can only kill the soldier operating it by firing arrows at max range, not capture him >Giant and Dragon These can only be hurt with arrows and oil, the Dragon is slower and has higher HP. Killing the giant grants 15k and the dragon 100k >Battering ram Can be stopped by killing soldiers before they get to it. The soldiers pushing it can't be dragged. destroying it grants 200k TIPS Capture all the soldiers you can in the first level. You will need every piece of equipment for the second level as nearly everything will be thrown at you there. Archers' minimum range reaches the outside of the wall, any further holding of it may go over that place. Don't bother trying to kill the giant or dragon if few seconds remain, it's a waste of arrows. You can just click on soldiers attacking the castle or walls so as to stop them from harming the buildings until the arrows or oil reaches the
Created: 18/3 -2022 19:19:53 Last modified: 20/3 -2022 01:33:58 Server time: 18/09 -2024 20:14:48