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Threads (18):
File[WetV.swf] - (171 KB) [_] [?] Anon 1561667 Get in here! >> [_] Anon 1561713 WeTV = Weeboo TV?
File[WetV.swf] - (171 KB) [_] [?] Anon 1429393 let's go /f/ Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 1429408 its a youtube version of /f/ >> [_] Anon 1429413 woow >> [_] Anon 1429422 1) Nigger, cunt, kongregate, shit, and faggot are banned words, so saying them three times in different sentences or putting them into your name (LOL NIGGER AS A NAME IS SOOOOO FUNNI U GAIZ) will get you banned by the bot. 2) This place is like /f/ with youtube. 3) Post a direct YT URL to post a video. 4) Don't try to troll, it's not funny, and we're all better at it than you faggots. >> [_] Anon 1429434 >># No you're not, you just play the same old gay videos over and over. It's neither effective or original. >> [_] PROTIP Anon 1429437 Join, post a video along the likes of this: ls, immediately F5, Change name, Repeat You are now a successful slippery troll! >> [_] Anon 1429482 >># There's a roughly 99% chance this is one of the people the rest of we can't fucking stand on wetv. I wouldn't listen to anything they say. Shit, they're probably the one who posted it here. >> [_] Anon 1429530 >># My bets are on Zelly, Lt Anon and Commrade K >> [_] Anon 1429532 >># Most likely Zelly, JShaw, Richie... Eh. Any of the faggots. >> [_] Anon 1429557 >my face when anything I post gets tv sux by some asshole that drops the time down to nothing fuck this shit
File[WetV.swf] - (171 KB) [_] [G] Multiplayer youtube Anon 1325801 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 1325915 Some funny stuff on here. Lots of faggoty shit tho.. >> [_] Anon 1326072 I just found this epix porn site =D >>#
File[WetV.swf] - (171 KB) [_] [?] Anon 1282432 Faggotry
File[WetV.swf] - (171 KB) [_] [?] WetV Anon 1231948 >> [_] SAGE SAGE 1231962 SAGE >> [_] Anon 1231970 there's no audio >> [_] Anon 1232052 It's full of 12-year-olds and people from /f/. It's like I'm really on newgrounds. >> [_] Anon 1232184 yay >> [_] Anon 1232190 go there
File[WetV.swf] - (171 KB) [_] [G] JewTubes Anon 1091828 TV Sux >> [_] Namefag 1091950 This used to be pretty jawsome. Too many weeaboos around these days. >> [_] Anon 1092023 Too many high level niggers on that fuck it up for everyone else. >> [_] Anon 1092025 >># >># >># >>#
File : [Teh Ultimate TeeVee.swf] - (171 KB) [_] [G] Fucking sexy shit Anon 1008432 Srs u gaiz >> [_] Anon 1008434 what the hell is this for? >> [_] Anon 1008436 What is this youtube random? >> [_] Anon 1008476 what is the point of this I can never figure it out... just shows random youtube vids and allows you to chat, pretty gay. >> [_] Anon 1008499 Paste a youtube url into chat to play the youtube vid. tv yay to extend video duration tv sux to decrease video duration you can post pics too, but you have to register to do that. go here to register: >> [_] Anon 1008531 i'm sorry, but that is fucking stupid >> [_] Anon 1008615 If you get gagged, how do you ungag? >> [_] Anon 1008628 y >> [_] Anon 1008631 >># leave?
File :[jewtube.swf] - (171 KB) [_] [?] Anon 956956 MULTIPLAYER JEWTUBE DO IT MOTHERFUCKERS Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 956958 tv yay extends the current video tv sux un-extends it tv play [youtube ID] suggests a video [youtube ID] is the 6dh0iEkDEkU from kU&feature=related >> [_] Anon 956967 DO IT FAGGOTS >> [_] Anon 956983 wat >> [_] Anon 957056 >># OR you could just do that the easy way and copypasta kU&feature=related into the chat and it auto converts it to the tv play format. Also play the hell out of ho&feature=channel_page Lunboks will love you for it. >> [_] Anon 957058 play alice. >> [_] Gentleman Jim Stacey !TRiPFAG.zo 957104 >># O HAY DJ >> [_] Anon 957123 DO IT NOW >> [_] Anon 957179 oh god this is awesome
File :[WetV.swf] - (171 KB) [_] [G] Anon 938911 >> [_] Anon 938951 fuck >> [_] Anon 939000 goddamnit fucking disemvoweled >> [_] Anon 939048 I hate this thing.
File :[WetV.swf] - (171 KB) [_] [G] freedon !!/5rOB1BcqTe 916368 /r/ing lolicatgirls high You know, the one with the slow-mo music. Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] freedon !!/5rOB1BcqTe 916443 >># wat >> [_] sage sage 916490 sage for linkfags and general stupid dumbfuckery. WASTE OF TIME/FAIL/SAGE/ETC. >> [_] freedon !!/5rOB1BcqTe 916502 >># Sage doesn't do anything besides make me bump. >> [_] Anon 916511 GIRUGAMESH >> [_] freedon !!/5rOB1BcqTe 916567 >># Yeah, I posted that a lot. >> [_] Anon 916679 Before someone else comes in just to spam "nigger": You will get auto-kicked for spam. kthxbai
File :[WetV.swf] - (171 KB) [_] [?] WeTV! Anon 893728 HYES!! >> [_] Anon 893747 I WetV'd >> [_] Anon 893759 wetv is full of trolls and faggotry, no thanks. >> [_] Anon 893827 What is this, and where does it come from? >> [_] Anon 893886 what thee fuck is dis? >> [_] Anon 893936 >># >># its shit and it came from my ass hole, any more questions?
File :[WetV.swf] - (171 KB) [_] [G] MULTIPLAYER YOUTUBAN as requested Anon 863197 >> [_] Anon 863199 stop posting this shit no one enjoys it there >> [_] Anon 863208 how does one move up in rank? Everyone else's videos get locked for like 3 minutes. >> [_] Anon 863209 eric you fuck >> [_] Anon 863281 you guys are pretty gay >> [_] Anon 863388 There this one faggot of a reg who keeps banning people and taking vowels away so he can post his gay family guy dance over and over again. Why do you do this? You gain nothing from it. Dont you have anything else to do with your time? >> [_] Anon 863478 all the mods of this shit are complete and utter shitholes so this shit sux really bad, if it was better looked after and the higher ranks didnt fuck everything up it wouldnt suck so bad. >> [_] Anon 863487 >># He got butthurt because one of the popular users called him off.
File :[WetV.swf] - (171 KB) [_] [?] Multiplayer JewTooban Namefag 853413 >> [_] Anon 853417 Enjoy your gagging and bans for no reason >> [_] Anon 853420 Youtube poop everywhere... >> [_] Anon 853527 Nothing but fags >> [_] Anon 853597 fags but nothing >> [_] Â 853650 Moderated by 12 year olds who do this: >># >> [_] Anon 853654 Dude I've been there half an hour, I haven't told anyone to go kill themselves yet and I'm fine.
File :[WetV.swf] - (171 KB) [_] [G] Daily posting Anon 848832 >> [_] Anon 848837 Thanks. >> [_] Anon 848840 Wow, the mods of that place are faggots. >> [_] Anon 848855 >># They are kids. Literally. There are a few that aren't complete faggots, but it only takes one to taint the place. >> [_] Anon 848861 everyone's a fuckin admin. the place is level based. >> [_] Anon 848891 lol I got banned for playing some Morrisey >> [_] Anon 848895 wow how do you ungag yourself? >> [_] Anon 848902 type cthulhu cookies. just make sure you have enough cookies to give to cthulhu otherwise, he eats you. >> [_] Anon 848918 Bump, this is awesome. >> [_] Anon 848919 >># we need someone to host a copy of the files, just have a 4chan version with better mods. >> [_] Anon 848928 ALL LUCKY STAR AMVS, ALL THE TIME >> [_] Anon 848933 just level up you morons. there are no better mods. >> [_] Anon 848934 >># only children level up >> [_] Anon 848936 i dun wanna grow up. i'm a toysrus kid. >> [_] !4X8vLLNDE2 849008 I got banned for posting Boss Nigger Remix. :( Btw: THEY CALL HIM BOSS! BOSS NIGGER! THEY CALL HIM BOSS! BOSS NIGGER! THEY CALL HIM BOSS! BOSS NIGGER! THEY CALL HIM BOSS! BOSS NIGGER! THEY CALL HIM BOSS! BOSS NIGGER! THEY CALL HIM BOSS! BOSS NIGGER! THEY CALL HIM BOSS! BOSS NIGGER! THEY CALL HIM BOSS! BOSS NIGGER! THEY CALL HIM BOSS! BOSS NIGGER! THEY CALL HIM BOSS! BOSS NIGGER! THEY CALL HIM BOSS! BOSS NIGGER! THEY CALL HIM BOSS! BOSS NIGGER! THEY CALL HIM BOSS! BOSS NIGGER! THEY CALL HIM BOSS! BOSS NIGGER! THEY CALL HIM BOSS! BOSS NIGGER! THEY CALL HIM BOSS! BOSS NIGGER! THEY CALL HIM BOSS! BOSS NIGGER! THEY CALL HIM BOSS! BOSS NIGGER! THEY CALL HIM BOSS! BOSS NIGGER! THEY CALL HIM BOSS! BOSS NIGGER! THEY CALL HIM BOSS! BOSS NIGGER! THEY CALL HIM BOSS! BOSS NIGGER! THEY CALL HIM BOSS! BOSS NIGGER! THEY CALL HIM BOSS! BOSS NIGGER! THEY CALL HIM BOSS! BOSS NIGGER! >> [_] Anon 849057 Thank you Tom Green guy >> [_] Anon 849086 there is some sort of disagreement between raw_adviser and parallel_residue. it's like watching seamonkeys royal rumble. >> [_] Anon 849091 >># It was pretty cool when violent_rule was showing braniac.
File :[WetV.swf] - (171 KB) [_] [G] Multiplayer JewTooban Namefag 846053 >> [_] Anon 846116 commands: tv yay tv sux tv info >> [_] Anon 846135 Just post a youtube url to play something >> [_] Anon 846261 FKYH >> [_] DICK BUTT 846267 sasuke is a faggot, spam ban requests on him if you see him. He is a Narutard and probably a furry, gets butthurt easily. That nigger got me kicked from the TV room >> [_] Anon 846269 To count the ranked faggots that dwell in this program would take years.
File :[WetV.swf] - (171 KB) [_] [G] Multiplayer JewTooban - Fix'd Namefag 844532 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 844536 ?????????????????? >> [_] Anon 844582 double_vodkax fucking keeps banning me. Stupid bitch
File :[WetV.swf] - (171 KB) [_] [?] Multiplayer JewTooban - Fix'd Namefag 842696 >> [_] Anon 842836 fixd how? >> [_] Anon 842854 At this time there are no faggoty registered users. go go go >> [_] Anon 842858 anon needs to register to protect other anon >> [_] Anon 842866 CURRENTLY NO FAGGOTRY. GO GO GO. It's all good. No registered bullshit right now. >> [_] Anon 842883 Shit. Ranked faggots detected. Prepare for faggotry. >> [_] Anon 842887 It's over. Ranked faggots are all over it now. I hope you enjoy gay nonsense, because that's what it'll be from here on out. >> [_] Anon 842892 Ethercast is better. >> [_] Anon 842932 where is this located? what site is this hosted at, and how do i namefaggotry it >> [_] Anon 842960 the site would be >> [_] Anon 842961 the site would be >> [_] Anon 842962 you type reg rtfm to read the manual. obviously >> [_] Anon 842963 no. it's that's with jewpube zoomed in.
File :[WetV.swf] - (171 KB) [_] [G] Multiplayer JewTooban Namefag 837990 |