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This is resource FDASLS0, a Archived Thread.
Discovered:19/3 -2010 03:44:04

Ended:19/3 -2010 08:57:23

Checked:12/4 -2010 14:04:02

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Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 14.
Discovered flash files: 1

 File[fresco's venus project_LARRYKINGINTERVIEW.swf] - (7.97 MB)
[_] [?] Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)21:38 No.1212883

Marked for deletion (old).

>> [_] Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)21:43 No.1212888

  Life is all about competition. From the moment you were wiggling in your fathers balls, you were
  competing with other sperms to see who could reach inside the egg first. This man fails at making
  a plausible argument.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)22:12 No.1212900

  Except that technology can change that so that parents pick which sperm and egg go into making
  their child rather than leaving it up to the luck of the draw and the tenacity of a given sperm
  What the dude is getting at is basically we're a species that can move past all the shit we see
  as "Natural" to redefine natural as something that works better for everybody not just the lucky
  Or that's what I get out of it anyways.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)22:54 No.1212929

  Look at any major advancement in history and there is competition, think any of your favorite
  anythings would be there without competition? Laws of Physics are based on competition between
  forces...this is the ignorance of Utopians

>> [_] Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)23:24 No.1212939


>> [_] Anonymous 03/19/10(Fri)00:45 No.1212992

  This guy is truly an idiot. It's not just humans that are competitive. Animals in nature are
  competitive too, its all about competing to survive, survival of the fittest. It's not society,
  its the way of nature. Evolution it self is about competition, but of course this man is too busy
  talking about Jesus to realize that, and that if it wasn't for competition his shirt wouldn't
  exist as it is. If he doesn't like it, he can go to Africa, or Australia and live with some
  bushmen who are all about being a commune, meanwhile I'll take my competition, and live in modern
  society, honestly he probably is just upset cause he cant win.

>> [_] MellonCollie !rzUiXtKkDY 03/19/10(Fri)00:51 No.1212998

  Now, I enjoy cooks as much as the next guy, but he's so vulnerable. He called Volcanoes, our
  planets largest natural polluter, clean. He also stated his Volcano power plants would produce no
  smoke... wait, what?

>> [_] Anonymous 03/19/10(Fri)01:23 No.1213023

  "I'll get on a soapbox right on the fucking corner, I will"

  "I envision a world where we all make money doing nothin' "

  - Bill Hicks

>> [_] Anonymous 03/19/10(Fri)01:35 No.1213035

  Dudes, living in a strictly Darwinistic world is what we were doing 100,000 years ago. Even
  Richard Dawkins says we can build something better. The world is what we make it. Our countries
  and our world are becoming fully connected. Everyone is now in your social ingroup. When a group
  works together they accomplish more than than when they fight each other. Neccesity is not the
  mother of invention but vice versa. We tinker and create then find places to put technology to
  use, usually for something it was not intended for in the first place. The only way a society
  like this will work is if everyone is willing to unite.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/19/10(Fri)01:36 No.1213036

  Good Rant, nuff said.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/19/10(Fri)02:01 No.1213064

  lol cerebral insufficience. Only a street preacher can come up with that shit.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/19/10(Fri)02:09 No.1213074

  Utopias are easy, just eliminate the self.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/19/10(Fri)02:17 No.1213076

  What a loon.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/19/10(Fri)02:39 No.1213087

  This guy isn't religious at all... you heard him say jesus and where like OH WELL FUCK THAT!

  This video doesn't explain the venus project very well... look up some more recent stuff about it
  since this is 36 years old
Created: 19/3 -2010 03:44:04 Last modified: 12/4 -2010 22:30:36 Server time: 04/01 -2025 22:40:16