File[SparksterTreadmill.swf] - (33 KB)
[_] [L] Sparkster Treadmill Loop David Collins 04/12/10(Mon)02:31 No.1234351
Just tryin' out my traditional animation skillzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
>> [_] David Collins 04/12/10(Mon)02:58 No.1234368
I think I'd want to be paid for it. This shit took like two hours.
>> [_] David Collins 04/12/10(Mon)02:58 No.1234369
The fuck... where'd the comment go...
screwy board
>> [_] Anonymous 04/12/10(Mon)03:01 No.1234371
I remembered this from snes, hehe.
>> [_] Anonymous 04/12/10(Mon)07:03 No.1234461
oh man, i loves me some rocket knight adventures.
>> [_] Anonymous 04/12/10(Mon)07:38 No.1234471
You better become professional real soon, I love your work.
>> [_] Anonymous 04/12/10(Mon)08:31 No.1234487
I love sparkster. What a great game series.
This is a nice loop too, it's well animated. But a flashloop without music won't do. It just
isn't right without some music.