File[nazi_mega_loop.swf] - (7.68 MB)
[_] [L] Music sauce? Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)02:47 No.1245643
I know #12, but sauce on the rest of the songs?
Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)02:54 No.1245648
lol @ 12.
Request for sauce on others seconded.
>> [_] Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)02:55 No.1245650
#3 i think is from quake
>> [_] Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)03:11 No.1245662
I know #8 is from a Red Alert game, not sure which.
>> [_] Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)03:16 No.1245664
really want sauce on #11
>> [_] Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)03:20 No.1245667
#4 is easy Ka-boom Ka-boom by Marilyn Manson
>> [_] Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)03:44 No.1245675
what show is this from?
>> [_] Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)03:59 No.1245681
>> [_] Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)04:02 No.1245683
Ty ty
>> [_] Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)04:03 No.1245684
12 is best.
>> [_] Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)04:06 No.1245687
#1 is from painkiller soundtrack- battle music from level Artium Compleks
>> [_] Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)04:07 No.1245688
the only good one was 12.
>> [_] Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)04:08 No.1245689
# 12 was funny! xD
>> [_] Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)04:48 No.1245707
Sauce on #11?
>> [_] Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)05:47 No.1245718
# 9?
>> [_] Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)05:51 No.1245720
nice fail OP, Hitler advocated tradition Aryan music
rock, metal, etc (came from) jazz, blues, etc (inspired by) niggers.
not a very aryan thing to do OP. Hitler is dissapoint.
>> [_] Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)06:37 No.1245740
lol'd at 12
>> [_] Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)07:53 No.1245760
1 - Painkiller Opera / Castle fight
2 - from race drive GRID
3 - Quake III Arena intro
4 - Marylin Manson - Ka-Boom
5 - L7 - Shitlist
6 - Mile High Club - Call of Duty 4 Soundtrack
7 - Kelly Bailey - Last Legs (from Half-Life 2 Episode Two)
8 - C&C Renegade : Stomp
9 - from game Canabalt
10 - Megaherz - Dein Herz schlägt
11 - Hanzel und Gretyl - Uber Alles
12 - Erasure - Always
you don't have to thank me ;p
>> [_] Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)12:53 No.1245873
I'm going to thank you anyways.
>> [_] Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)13:05 No.1245877
Shit, thanks man.
>> [_] Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)13:42 No.1245886
Well suck it up tough guy, i am thanking you.
>> [_] Â 04/25/10(Sun)13:55 No.1245896
i fucking love this thing.
>> [_] Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)14:08 No.1245911
#9 (The song from Canabalt) is called Run!
You can actually get it from the devs website.