File[miku pack very nice1.swf] - (2.2 MB)
[_] [L] To make up for all the hoods in here. Anonymous 02/27/10(Sat)00:12 No.1194084
>> [_] Anonymous 02/27/10(Sat)00:19 No.1194089
am i the only one who hears
"tell me what you need.. and we fuck very nice.."
>> [_] Anonymous 02/27/10(Sat)00:22 No.1194090
i said that when it was first put on here.
you cannot unhear.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/27/10(Sat)00:30 No.1194097
What's the artist and song title?
>> [_] Anonymous 02/27/10(Sat)00:34 No.1194104
its fuck off by you're a moron
>> [_] Anonymous 02/27/10(Sat)00:38 No.1194109
That's not very nice.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/27/10(Sat)01:32 No.1194149
What do you mean, like the original artist/song or just this one?
>> [_] Anonymous 02/27/10(Sat)03:04 No.1194204
fucking japan and its cv syllables. Why can't they use codas like every other language on the
>> [_] Anonymous 02/27/10(Sat)06:23 No.1194319
you're asking this about the country that invented tentacle porn. they're japanese, when the hell
ARE they going to use common sense?
>> [_] Anonymous 02/27/10(Sat)06:40 No.1194329
It is a fundamental rule of reality that islanders of any sort are fucking insane.