File[ANGRY SUN.swf] - (604 KB)
[_] [G] why aren't you outside Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)20:09 No.1261688
go outside or the sun will fucking rape your shit
Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)20:16 No.1261696
mmkay..I got the message ._.
>> [_] Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)20:53 No.1261725
freakin hilarious :D
>> [_] Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)20:54 No.1261726
i dont wanna go outside the sun is there
>> [_] Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)21:06 No.1261736
sauce of music ingame
>> [_] Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)21:42 No.1261764
ANGRY SUN: The Game: The Music
>> [_] Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)21:57 No.1261771
Medal get: Failure to Communicate
>> [_] Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)22:53 No.1261814
I was JUST outside and the sun is resting.
D...don't rape me s...un... ;_;
>> [_] Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)22:58 No.1261816
Because the sun ran away from the severe thunderstorm.
>> [_] Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)23:01 No.1261820
There's no sun in south america.
We cant aford it
>> [_] Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)23:47 No.1261863
It is night here fucker.