File[company_of_myself.swf] - (3.21 MB)
[_] [G] Anonymous 05/12/10(Wed)05:27 No.1259713
>> [_] Anonymous 05/12/10(Wed)06:11 No.1259726
Oh god this.
When i first played it, it makes you feel bad for the guy.
Then you slowly begin to realize he is nuts.
Then suddenly he kills the bitch. Awesome.
>> [_] Anonymous 05/12/10(Wed)07:43 No.1259757
how does i suicide?
>> [_] Anonymous 05/12/10(Wed)08:42 No.1259779
i got the bad end
>> [_] Anonymous 05/12/10(Wed)09:12 No.1259786
i have more to say.
I really do.
Is this the end?
>> [_] Anonymous 05/12/10(Wed)12:04 No.1259848
To unlock good end, you have to jump on a tower of your shadows jumping off the ledge. I'll not
spoil what you get next but it's maudlin.
>> [_] Anonymous 05/12/10(Wed)12:48 No.1259867
wait, there is another ending besides the report from the doctor?
>> [_] Anonymous 05/12/10(Wed)12:59 No.1259870
How do you get the good and bad end?
>> [_] Anonymous 05/12/10(Wed)13:12 No.1259873
so the good end is the shrink report or what?
>> [_] Anonymous 05/12/10(Wed)13:51 No.1259884
Who's Maudlin?
>> [_] Anonymous 05/12/10(Wed)14:06 No.1259891
It's the guy's name, I think.
>> [_] Anonymous 05/12/10(Wed)14:33 No.1259899
>> [_] Anonymous 05/12/10(Wed)15:36 No.1259922
This game reminds me of a romantic comedy where a guy falls in love with a girl whose memory
keeps resetting every day ever since the accident that she had. Basically, her family and friends
have been keeping every day the same as the day of the accident, since she only remembers up to
that day. That is, up until she meets the guy.
>> [_] Anonymous 05/12/10(Wed)15:40 No.1259924
I can't figure out the part with the red bar across the screen. halp.