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This is the wiki page for Flash #245862
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Raven Lets Looser.swf
4,25 MiB, 00:40 | [W] [I]

Threads (1):

ARCHIVEDDiscovered: 7/4 -2022 05:58:37 Ended: 4/10 -2022 09:32:51Flashes: 1 Posts: 12
/ > /fap/ > Thread 25274 Age: 173.19d Health: 0% Posters: 7 Posts: 12 Replies: 9 Files: 2+2
>> Malos 89282 This one's for you,Raven body guy I went through the trouble of figuring out how to remove various aspects of swfs and going through a few dodgy places to get some old software until I found I was a dumbass and just needed one. Long story short, I removed the blocking borders from the vid, and the darkening filter on the final "secret" scene cause it was distracting, now that some parts weren't flashing. That, and the guy wanted to see more of her body. Hope you like, Raven body guy. Raven Lets Looser.swf (4.25 MiB) 620x1100, Compressed (Deflate). 953 frames, 24 fps (00:40). Ver17, AS3. Network access: Text: Yes. Bitmaps: Yes. Audio: Yes. Video: <METADATA> [find in archive]
>> Malos 89283 Trying to resize the flash in the file itself caused issues, but you can either stretch out your flash projector or use the link player to resize that way.
>> Anon 89285 Based
>> ravens body guy 89291 you absolute handsome chad thank you
>> Malos 89299 >># I ended up actually making a working version with the sides stretched and a background that filled the space, but SWFchan didn't like it for whatever reason. I dropped it on fourchan's /f/ board, so I hope you get a chance to grab it.
>> Anon 89302 >># [IMG]1646270724855.jpg
>> Anon 89303 spam SPAM
>> Anon 89304 >># nobody wants real women. we want fictional women -like raven and starfire- because they aren't contentious, and a variety of other reasons.
>> Anon 89305 >># fuck off glowie
>> ravens body guy 89310 have you got a link malos i cant find it?
>> ravens body guy 89311 dw its on swfchan
>> Malos 89313 >># Oh good, I was afraid it was lost after the thread poofed. Something is weird in its data but it works, regardless.
Created: 7/4 -2022 06:11:46 Last modified: 4/10 -2022 09:35:25 Server time: 12/06 -2024 05:45:57