File: Zeitgeist_Troll.swf-(5.44 MB, 600x450, Loop)
[_] Anon 3503969
>> [_] Anon 3504013 Hey can you maybe not fed post? Shitegeist is just authoritarian hippies bent of having a one world government. and do you even know that money is a tool to force people to be productive because every commie commune and country has problems with production and is a shit hole, same with California third world living at first world price.
>> [_] Anon 3504029 >># Toquotethefirstzeitgeistfilm"theymustfin ditdifficult,thosewhohavetakenauthorityas thetruthratherthantruthastheauthority".Mo neyisaproductoftrade.Andtradeinrealityis2 partiesbothattemptingtogetthebetterendoft hedeal.Itisnotafairorequalexchangeasitisa dvertisedinvariousbooksoneconomics.accord ingtodavidsuzuki"economicsisnotascience". Traderesultsinasocialhierarchy.Andaccordi ngtothebookthespiritlevel,themoreinequali tyorthegreaterthegapbetweenrichandpoor,th eworsethehealthofthatsociety.Socialcompet itionisstressfulandresultsinpoorsocialrel ations.Povertyisstressful.Alsoscienceisno tcommunism.Alsoproductiveaccordingtowho?I nnovationisactuallyhigherinmoreequalcount ries.Monetaryprofitresultsinmakingmoneyou tofascarcityanddestroyinghumanity.Socasin os(thepokiesmate),slavery,alcohol,cigeret tes,thesearethethingsthatmakebigmoney.The re'sa good youtuber, "better call george", and he recognises that the way you make a whole lot of money is not through hard honest work, but through scamming. like peter popoff and his miracle spring water. yet even the bible says money is bad. Matthew 6:24 and 1 Timothy 6:10. TL;DR: The Science says money is bad for human health.
File: Zeitgeist_Troll.swf-(5.44 MB, 600x450, Loop)
[_] Anon 3486215
File: Zeitgeist_Troll.swf-(5.44 MB, 600x450, Other)
[_] Anon 3485199
File: Zeitgeist_Troll.swf-(5.44 MB, 600x450, Loop)
[_] Anon 3484831