/ > /fap/ > Thread 26825 Age: 193.45d Health: 0% Posters: 7 Posts: 11 Replies: 9 Files: 1+3
>> Anon 91120 Sponty Stuffing Edited Its sad when good artists only appeal to one audience so I made that edit. The pussy didn't exist so I added it myself. I'm just a guy that fiddled with FL CS6 a few times so if you think it wasn't well done well there is the reason... I'm not a artist nor a animator. Also do not make any requests. [IMG] Sponty Stuffing Edited.swf (23.9 KiB) 625x700, Compressed (Deflate). 8 frames, 14 fps (00:01). Ver15, AS3. Network access: Text: Bitmaps: Audio: Video: <METADATA> [find in archive]
>> Anon 91122 it better now
>> Tecnicide 91123 Well then... Didn't expect to see this today. Also how did you manage to do this?
>> Anon 91124 And noooow it'S ART.
>> Anon 91140 was better before
>> Anon 91141 my problem with the original wasnt sponty having a dick so much as the nipple and urethra fucking
>> Anon 91142 >># Loaded the swf file on FL CS6 Deleted the dick symbol on all frames Added 2 curves with the Pen Tool to make the pussy Converted those curves into a symbol Copied and Ctrl-Shift-v the pussy symbol on all frames Used the Free Transformation Tool on each frame to rotate, position and squish the pussy to where it I think it should be Exported the swf.
>> Anon 91143 >># I forgot. Before exporting you have to adjust the resolution and frame rate to match the original work.
>> Tecnicide 91144 >># Alrighty then. Thanks for the explanation. :)
>> Anon 91145 >># Its better now that with both versions more people can enjoy it.
>> Anon 92029 >># you never see demand for adding a dick on non-futa flash/game, and whether more people should be able to enjoy it or not is never a question