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Threads (1):
File: gigachad_music.swf-(666 KB, 1920x1080, Anime) [_] Anon 3485385 Why don't you plebs make new /f/? >> [_] Anon 3485386 >># i stopped bothering after the mod deleted my thread yet again. life is too short to spend hours on cutting and encoding a video to get it just right, to then just have it be deleted by a newfag. >in b4 someone thinks i only did video flashes >> [_] Anon 3485389 >># What flash was it, and why was it deleted? >> [_] Anon 3485396 ok ok ok >> [_] Anon 3485398 >># Remember, 10MB max filesize anon. Best to aim for around 9.5 at most. >> [_] Anon 3485400 >># >the mod deleted my thread >mod I /f/ind it hard to believe >> [_] Anon 3485402 >># >converting .mp4 into .swf >deleted I wonder how, I wonder why >> [_] Anon 3485413 >># New flashes or new board? I make OC occasionally. I don't force one, because I have no new ideas. Only ever create one when I stumble upon something that makes me think "yeah I could make a flash out of that". >> [_] Anon 3485414 >># nice, can you show some? >> [_] Anon 3485419 >># Here're some of my better ones: >># Saw a webm and thought "That could be better as a swf!" >># Saw an older swf and thought "That could be easily improved upon!" >># Accidentially opened some webm with a song and also the cutie honey OP at the same time and thought "Wait, that goes rather well together!" I also converted a lot of older AMVs, though I wouldn't neccessarily call that creating a flash. >> [_] Anon 3485420 >># classy, I would like to know how to do that but I haven't even read the basic documentation ;) >> [_] Anon 3485422 >># I never read anything going into doing any swf. Usually I just have an idea and then formulate what it is I'm trying to achieve inside flash, and then just go from there looking on how the fuck I can do those things. Someone adept could most likely do what I need 20 min for in 2 min, but then again I never learned anything. Just learning by doing and a lifetime of lurking on /f/ knowing what flash can and cannot do. I kinda went into detail what it is I did when I made Dreams.swf ( so you can read that if you want. Apart from that use as a reference, maybe also the documentation on the other swfchan tools. Try to learn a bit of Actionscript3, like importing, preloaders, buttons etc. Just go nuts, man :D >> [_] Anon 3485423 >># Thanks for the links and tips! :D >> [_] Anon 3485426 >># oh, I remember bitching about the earlier version which was just a videorip good times >> [_] Anon 3485429 >># I make new flashes! Serch on swfchan "W.I.T.C.H. Loituma". >> [_] Anon 3485431 Learning Flash discourages me. But that's true for anything else. I just wish I could be at peace. I'm too tired to turn my ideas into reality. >> [_] Anon 3485436 >># doesn't matter and as to why i can only guess since you don't get a reason. even if i knew it wouldn't have mattered anyway, the mod thought it was a good idea to push away content creators at a time when flash was already dying. >> [_] Anon 3485451 I made a quick animation in flash about a month back but I'm generally moving over to other tools to do my work now days. Between full time, bill paying work/maintaining human relationships/animation side hustle, not a lot of time remains in the day. That being said I'd quite like to get back in to creating shortform/music loop/shitpost swfs. None of the other platforms out there really fill the same niche as flash and I like the format. >># >># Shot in the dark, are you the guy who posted the "YWNBAW: the movie" trailer here? >> [_] Anon 3485483 >># that wasn't me, i stopped making flashes a couple of years ago. i don't know if the mod is still deleting threads. >> [_] Anon 3485491 >># Ah, my mistake, but I'm curious now too. Is it on swfchan? |