/ > /fap/ > Thread 28831 Age: 193.49d Health: 0% Posters: 4 Posts: 5 Replies: 3 Files: 1+2
>> Anon 94864 h4 h4 [IMG] h4.swf (822.4 KiB) 800x600, Uncompressed. 61 frames, 30 fps (00:02). Ver6, AS1/AS2. Network access: Text: Bitmaps: Audio: Video: Yes. [find in archive]
>> Anon 94867 what's the value in spamming all of these? you don't even describe them properly
>> Anon 94868 Either place them all in 1 flash or don't upload them. This shit is annoying beyond believe. Hope nothing buy failure in your future.
>> Anon 94872 this is not spam and if you dont like it just dont watch ;) some time after these files will go to archive
>> Anon 94920 >># That's what Soldier of Fap said and it didn't hold up. Maybe if it's once, but if this is a regular thing brace for ban. A fuckload of shitty videos a flash upload does not make.