| STORY LOOP FURRY PORN GAMES C SERVICES [?] [R] RND POPULAR | Archived flashes: 229923 |
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Threads (1):
File: vanilla Nexus Rewindfeat.swf-(7.13 MB, 480x480, Game) [_] Anon 3497470 probably the slowest version yet >:( >> [_] Anon 3497473 anon thats a roguelite it isn't like rogue >> [_] Anon 3497478 >># o >> [_] Anon 3497491 hey there are over a thousand bugs, one big one is hitting enter idk why. please dont hit enter And im fixing "roguelike" to "roguelite" but I was being facetious when I started this a hundred years ago cuz newgroudns started using tags to find their games and newgrounds is not the site it was when I was last using it SO idk >> [_] Anon 3497512 Can't wait to show this game to my grandkids when it's finished. >> [_] Anon 3497523 Oh hey its one of the two flash roguelikes >> [_] Anon 3497531 >># gotta be honest this one time: I never understood the point of /f/ |