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Threads (3):
File: DiscoFeelin.swf-(4.85 MB, 351x468, Loop) [_] Anon 3507638 >> [_] Anon 3507669 thanks for the reminder anon >> [_] Anon 3507692 >most people only torrent you when you are usable to them in some way
File: DiscoFeelin.swf-(4.85 MB, 351x468, Anime) [_] Anon 3505860
File: DiscoFeelin.swf-(4.85 MB, 351x468, Loop) [_] Disco Time! :v 3501338 I fractured my big toe getting out of bed yesterday. Tripped over a goddamn pair of pants and kicked my foot out to catch my balance and kicked my bedframe :))) ~not kawaii America is great, they gave me so many pain meds for a fucking boo-boo toe lol Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 3501343 whats with teh god dam fortune cookie at the bottom u bint. I'd like not to read that discouraging crap/??? >> [_] John Moses Browning 3501345 >># I'll tolerate that post because it was useful to me >> [_] John Moses Browning 3501346 >># And oh man, sorry to hear that! Also had a fractured big toe in a soccer accident, I am not really sure it heals with only pain meds. Walking will be quite awful the coming days if you dont have your toe properly fixated >> [_] :v 3501352 >># It's taped and splinted the pain meds are just because well apparently that's how they do things. I do appreciate the support tho. >> [_] :v 3501353 >># It's uh, kinda my thing. I'm kinda a habitual downer but ya know, a fun one. >> [_] vipper 3501354 alright so wheres the sounds goin if they aint in the cloud ps get well soon, best fishes >> [_] :v 3501372 >># thank /f/ren I think I'll live. 'tis but a flesh wound. >local /f/gt found dead of sepsis from toe wound. >> [_] Anon 3501399 >># HAH, jokes on you, because I'm useful to NOBODY. >> [_] Anon 3501407 >># holy shit its :v i love you ;-; >> [_] NOBODY 3501411 >># And I'm thankful for all your help. >> [_] Anon 3501427 Toe-san ;__; >> [_] Anon 3501429 >># you gotta cull the weak OFF WITH YOUR TOES! >> [_] :v 3501430 >># Yeah but how will I make money selling feet pics without toes? >> [_] :v 3501431 >># Toe-san will make a full recovery. Body-chan is having a wonderful time on pain meds though. ( ´ 3 `) >> [_] Anon 3501439 >># >Yeah but how will I make money selling feet pics without toes? With feet like that you have to focus more on the sovl. >> [_] Anon 3501440 >># what do you know, maybe you'll pioneer the gore feet scene >> [_] gravelord 3501441 >># wow >> [_] Anon 3501447 >># So make yourself useful you fuck. >> [_] Anon 3501458 fuck op, you had to stab me through the heart like that? |