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Forest Sacrifice.swf
1,83 MiB, 00:36 | [W] [I]

Threads (1):

ARCHIVEDDiscovered: 17/5 -2024 08:57:10 Ended: 19/5 -2024 00:09:04Flashes: 1 Posts: 15
File: Forest Sacrifice.swf-(1.83 MB, 500x500, Porn)
[_] Forest Sacrifice -XXX- Anon 3507802 Another project from /ic/. You get three options/outcomes at random. And that's it. Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anon 3507821 >># Cool, except for that bloody part. That wasn't very cool
>> [_] Anon 3507823 I like your projects but I have to be honest. Why do you draw the women with such unappealing boobs and pussy? Sincerely, Anon
>> [_] Anon 3507824 >># Thanks man! yeah, I totally forgot to add a warning. I'm sorry. I didn't thought about this with a "mainstream" approach in mind. It won't happen again most probably. This little project was about "satanic sacrifices" and shit, so I just had to. But I do like "vore" situations and themes. Not gory, though. But I will go there, with Roninsong candy shop girls for sure, in a more tongue in cheek way though. >># Thanks anon. This time I must admit, that I re used tits and bits that I should have re-draw in different ways in each case (scenes), but, I'll take the hit, man. I can't avoid cutting corners. These are fun projects done super fast, and with the artistic and material resources "available". Yes, I do draw tits and puss's in a weird and exaggerated style on purpose. I like to have fun and to add something "creative" to an over saturated theme. Shit has to be weird, out of the ordinary, "interesting", even at the cost of looking "gross" to some people. New shit must be put to the test. This is a test site, to test shit. This is my fun time, I won't spend it doing boring ordinary stuff. I'm working on a new one using this image >>>/ic/7161841 That's how it works, I see something that sparks a little hot story, and I say, fuck I can do that, I'll do it. It doesn't have to be a masterpiece, it's just a whimsy impulse that "can" be real if I want it to, and I do because it's fun. Hopefully someone will enjoy it s=v)
>> [_] Anon 3507839 As a pagan, I really like this. My tiny urk is that they use the celtic knot, but are sacrificing to Gaia. Wouldn't they be sacrificing to Danu? Gaia is greek after all, Danu is Irish. Wonderful flash. :) Makes me want to go for a moonlight walk.
>> [_] Anon 3507841 >># LMAO! thank you so much anon! You are exactly the kind of viewer that I was aiming for. I'm just pulling shit outta my ass with the deep "lore" xD I did a quick search about celtic gods and it gave me a reference to Gaia, I knew it wasn't exactly what I was looking for, but, I was in a hurry. Then all the other stuff about "alchemy", just a bunch of stuff I read on /x/. I really liked the idea of the charred idol at the end, a result and witness of many riuals made to it. I may build a little 3D print of it to have it, and larp that it really is a relic result of hundreds of ritual sacrifices to it. lol. Thanks again buddy. Glad you liked it.
>> [_] Anon 3507842 >># I thought it was nice :) Most rituals tend to come from the heart, or out of your ass. Its all a matter of what feels natural and right to you. That's what witchcraft is about, its your craft. Thank you again for making this, it's neat. :) Wish that girl had a giant penis tho. ye, i'm still a degen deep down.
>> [_] Anon 3507844 >># >ye, i'm still a degen deep down. That's fine anon, this whole circus is running on degeneracy, and I don't mean this site lol. We are all trapped in the same circus, and I want to see those damn clowns coming out of that damn elephant's ass one after the other making funny sounds when they walk. And just laugh, laugh and laugh. What else can we do? eh? The next flash will be much in the same theme. An artist posted a couple of images not related between them, but very similar. I liked them because they tell a story, mysterious and hot at the same time, that's what I want, something, obscure, interesting, sexy and edgy. In that other picture instead of "Danu" there's a Baphomet statue in the forest, a hot elf and a young couple. Immediately thought about a little story there. I'll be posting some WIPs in the /sex/ general in /ic/.
>> [_] Anon 3507856 You're becoming a bit of a celebrity on /f/, OP!
>> [_] Anon 3507860 >># ok OP, I'm getting blood sacrifices more often than the other two. What's with that shite?
>> [_] Anon 3507865 >># I'll take it while it last. Soon I'll have to go again to the real world. This thread will die soon and it will take me a while to get the new one finished. So, in the meanwhile here you can have some updates >>>/ic/7171256 >># Yeah, I noted that as well. I don't know. I use a standard script to randomize 3 numbers. This is it: var randomNumber = Math.floor(Math.random()*3) if (randomNumber == 0){ gotoAndPlay(157); } if (randomNumber == 1){ gotoAndPlay(267); } if (randomNumber == 2){ gotoAndPlay(512); } Maybe it chooses the "Blood" one because it is placed first in the animation sequence line. I don't know. I don't know shit about deep coding.
>> [_] Anon 3507866 >># I don't care for the artstyle but OC is always welcome here and you take feedback well and answer questions so you're cool in my book. What do you use to convert to SVG? I've got some things I'd like to do that with as well now that you mention it.
>> [_] Anon 3507867 I don't know if that was only me but... >Forward >Play >Forward >Play >Forward >Play >...
>> [_] Anon 3507870 >># Thanks anon! Here's a video about converting raster to svg > RV40 Though you may be tuning the results to your own needs. It varies, depending on the size of the image. I try to keep the image to convert between 500 and 1000 pixels. More than that the svg result may look too "bloaty". The result needs to be sleek and simple looking, not too detailed or messy. I'm still looking of better svg conversion tools. >># What do you mean? It is a simple 'push play' animation. It's not supposed to do anything else. ruffle is working fine.
>> [_] Anon 3507871 >># Maybe my attention span is broken but I thought it was a loop at first. I'm a sleep-deprived fag.
Created: 17/5 -2024 09:02:41 Last modified: 19/5 -2024 00:55:00 Server time: 07/09 -2024 23:54:28