/ > /gg/ > Thread 32408 Age: 50.01d Health: 0% Posters: 1 Posts: 1 Replies: 0 Files: 1+1
>> Святослав 101608 Diner Chef 4 After a long and intensive period of preparation and refining the recipes, he is back: the dinner chef! With a brand new restaurant adventure full of delights, soup and money. Play this happy game with your touchscreen or mouse. This fourth installment of the game is also available in the app store, check it out for a cool mobile game experience! dinerchef4.swf (11.38 MiB) 720x480, Compressed (Deflate). 13 frames, 24 fps (00:01). Ver28, AS3. Network access: Text: Yes. Bitmaps: Yes. Audio: Yes. Video: [find in archive]