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This is the wiki page for Flash #256371
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Threads (1):

ARCHIVEDDiscovered: 18/6 -2024 05:45:56 Ended: 19/6 -2024 17:35:36Flashes: 1 Posts: 11
File: SIMPXXX1.swf-(597 KB, 500x500, Porn)
[_] SIMPXXX 1 Anon 3508968 Just some Simpsons fun!
>> [_] Anon 3509009 Was sure I had seen every Simpsons flash in existence by now. Where did you dig this up and is there more than one since 1 is in the name?
>> [_] Anon 3509014 >># It is my original recipe anon. I'm making Flashes with my crappy art periodically here. Did you like it? I did a couple Simpson's themed ones before. One with marge in the shower, "Hot shower", and another with a girl on a beach "Eye on Springfield". If you can't find them in swchan, let me know. I may upload them again. But I'm sure both are in there already.
>> [_] Anon 3509015 >># Oh cool, the art style is very different from real Simpsons but yeah I liked it! Didn't think anyone would still make new swfs like this so it's a happy surprise. I don't come to /f/ much now and never expected OC of Simpsons.
>> [_] Anon 3509016 >># Yeah we keep going strong here with the Simpsons mania, you have me, and the "simamims" anon LOL. Thank you anon. Do you have any ideas for a Simpsons flash?
>> [_] Anon 3509017 >># Maybe Sherry & Terry have tied up Lisa with a blindfold in a closet or something, Bart goes by and they wave him in. He has some hesitation across his face but then goes at it with them and Lisa (who doesn't know it's Bart).
>> [_] Anon 3509020 >># Ok got it. I may change a couple of things for convenience. Like Bart will be in the plan waiting outside of the room while the twins set up Lis with some bullshit excuse. Like "the guy is shy and he doesn't want her to see him" so she must be blind folded. I'm just thinking about what kind of "fantasy" does Lisa have... to be in a threesome, or to fuck a black guy? So she goes to the twins to hook her up? I'll see. I'm just finishing a Flash about some mermaid tale that came up in this thread >>>/ic/7202726
>> [_] Anon 3509024 it's kinda difficult to compile all your stuff in a folder when the only update I can see are if I checked swfchan once a week.And some things like pics disappear into the void like what is your handle anyways? just anon insert number?
>> [_] Anon 3509036 >># less interracial porn in the world, please
>> [_] Anon 3509044 >># I call him the /ic/fag in my own folder because that's what he presented as in his first posts here, that's where he came from. He has no socials and is content to remain anonymous, only identifiable by his art style. He's cool
>> [_] Anon 3509048 >># The idea is that Lisa as the liberal fag she is (nothing wrong with that) may want to fuck a black guy for her righteous points, but the twins hook her up with Bart instead... Get the plot-twist? But I decided to go with the "foursome fantasy" option..... I can do the interracial thing later he he >># I can't have a name because I don't have an style, I do ugly non consistent shit. Every pic looks different in style. Usually users give you a name according to your style. Some user gave me a name the other day but let's see if it sticks. I need to come up with some splash title name for the flashes like "/f/-98" (wich sucks) because I always wanted to do PC-98 style visual novels. I'll think about it. All of my shit should be in swfchan anyways so you're not missing anything. >># Hey, thanks anon! Dubs checked.
Created: 18/6 -2024 05:51:54 Last modified: 20/6 -2024 21:21:46 Server time: 27/09 -2024 22:43:31