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Sayan Dose.swf
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Threads (1):

ARCHIVEDDiscovered: 21/6 -2024 05:19:07 Ended: 21/6 -2024 22:45:44Flashes: 1 Posts: 7
File: Sayan Dose.swf-(230 KB, 500x500, Hentai)
[_] Vegeta-x-Bulma -First Date- (Fixed) Anon 3509145 I fixed the eyes and added an extra effect.
>> [_] Anon 3509167 >># Doc, are you sure about this alternative medical procedure? Maybe I should just stick to the usual medication...
>> [_] Anon 3509168 >># Looks good, but I'm a hopeless big tits guy with a taste for bubble butts.
>> [_] Anon 3509190 >># it's cool n all but what's with the audio, man? it doesn't loop correctly nor does the intro properly lead to the looping part
>> [_] Anon 3509192 >># Yes I know. As you pointed out, there are two different audios (the intro and the loop) that should match PERFECTLY on the transition. I wanted to turn the intro sound into a "visual intro" itself and that fucked up the "timing". I couldn't figure it out how the original does it so smoothly. And that's the best that I could do, lol. (there's even a worse looping sound issue that I could not fix, but got fixed in the ruffle, weirdest shit ever) I'm going to add a couple more details. A couple dialogue bubbles and something else. I should add another sex animation but, this one is taking too much time of my dedicated flash schedule already. >># See how it works on your system, you can go back to the other treatment if needed. >># Thanks anon, I guess we suffer the same problem. Forever happily biased LOL
>> [_] Anon 3509194 >># try this for the transition, you'll have to make declarations where sound is the 'intro' part and sound2 is the 'loop' import; import; var soundchannel:SoundChannel; this.soundchannel =,1); soundchannel.addEventListener(Event.SOUN D_COMPLETE, onPlaybackComplete); function onPlaybackComplete(event:Event) { this.soundchannel =,999); }
>> [_] Anon 3509198 >># Hey! thank you so much for the help man! Is this AS2.0 or AS3.0? I only work on 2.0. I do this in the oldest and crappiest Flash8 editor version, it only works with ActionScript2.0. Also, I'm VERY limited with coding knowledge, so I don't know if I will be able to make that work. Meanwhile I'm finishing the mermaid one now. I'll check on the Dragon Ball later. I really want to start that Simpson's one though. Thanks for the help anon.
Created: 21/6 -2024 05:24:40 Last modified: 22/6 -2024 18:20:59 Server time: 24/10 -2024 02:18:37