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Redliner Returns.swf
8,13 MiB, 00:09 | [W] [I]

Threads (1):

ARCHIVEDDiscovered: 23/6 -2024 01:28:34 Ended: 25/6 -2024 01:59:03Flashes: 1 Posts: 13
File: Redliner Returns.swf-(8.12 MB, 500x500, Anime)
[_] Redliner Returns Anon 3509276 Shit /ic/ draws Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anon 3509293 >># Sexy, great work on anatomy, do you study that shit a lot or does it come naturally now?
>> [_] Anon 3509294 >># Thank you so much anon. Weirdly, I should say "study" (?) lol. I mean, I could say that naturally "I draw what I like to see". But that stuff came out of somewhere. People usually forget what they watch or hear, but I always have a mental archive of the source from the stuff that I "study and learn". I always name "Roninsong", many anons see in my stuff Balsamique's style too, wich is true. I love their style and take things from them "naturally". I would say that you should check what artists already solved how to draw the things you like. It's like going to ikea (maybe?), someone already made what you want or need, so you take it, and apply it. You will "naturally" develop your own way to apply those style cues. Just draw what you like and you will find the way to get there... if you have the tools. Knowing the human body helps a lot though, it can be key. You don't need to be a fucking "doctor", but I don't think doing straight cartoon stylization will get you as far as you would like to go. Grinding figures on varied poses is absolutely necessary. But having fun is more important ツ
>> [_] Anon 3509296 >># Sorry, I went on a whole explanation there. I just re-read your question, and yes, it comes naturally, now. I don't use references, so I guess I did draw a lot of shit already to do that. These are very simple little projects so I use minimal resources and effort. The size that I use to make those pics are usually 500px. So I force myself to keep it simple. Can't add too much detail. It helps to get this stuff finished. Thanks again. Do you have any flash ideas?
>> [_] Anon 3509303 >># >># Thanks for replying, I can def see Roninsong and Balsamique in your style (both fav artists of mine too). Despite calling it simple I think you portray the anatomy really well, but I do understand how working in a smaller canvas makes everything feel simpler or help you work faster. Either way, to me it looks like really solid work. >Do you have any flash ideas? If you mean as a request, I'm happy with whatever you do. If you mean for me to work on, there is always something in my head, maybe someday I will upload a loop here.
>> [_] Anon 3509325 >># The moai made me lol
>> [_] Anon 3509326 >># Yeah, I regret not having it in the sky like a redline moai "bat-style signal". I may add that in an update.
>> [_] Anon 3509334 >># Where's the moai?
>> [_] Anon 3509335 >># There are arrows on the bottom corners, in one of the transitions there's an stencil red line drawing, that's a "moai". A thing /ic/ does as drawing exercise.
>> [_] Anon 3509338 >># I JUST NOTICED ABOUT THAT! Kek
>> [_] Anon 3509353 >># how do you make this .swf? What software?
>> [_] Anon 3509354 >># I'm using an old Flash 8 (Flash Professional 8) the one from 2005. It only works with Action Script 2.0 and Windows 7 thought, but I like it. There's another one that works with Action Script 3.0 and Windows 10. You can get any of these old programs somewhere in the webs, if you look for them. There was a page that had all of them together but it seems adobe took them down. I'm sure if you get in touch with people from Newgrounds or any other animation forum will know a lot about Flash and where to get more tools. I have VERY basic knowledge about flash coding. I could not be able to make a shooter or any simple game. I can only do simple animations and transitions.
>> [_] Anon 3509356 nice work, op. I like clicking the arrow really fast and blowing up my speaker with the thunder.
Created: 23/6 -2024 01:35:33 Last modified: 25/6 -2024 02:12:34 Server time: 30/06 -2024 06:33:42