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This is the wiki page for Flash #256437
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We're gonna need a bigger hole.swf
1,57 MiB, 00:00 | [W] [I]

Threads (1):

[N45YX8E]F !…
ARCHIVEDDiscovered: 25/6 -2024 22:01:45 Ended: 27/6 -2024 10:32:38Flashes: 1 Posts: 13
File: We're gonna need a bigger hole.swf-(1.56 MB, 500x500, Hentai)
[_] We're gonna need a bigger hole Anon 3509398 Shit /ic/ draws
>> [_] Anon 3509402 >># nice
>> [_] Anon 3509421 Really wish you posted your stuff somewhere else too, like rule34
>> [_] Anon 3509422 >># butt. hot. butt hot.
>> [_] Anon 3509425 >># Thanks! >># Thanks dude. Checked >># Does r34 supports ruffle? This is perfect though. Anonymous, I don't have to deal with accounts bullshit, it gets automatically archived on swfchan. It's perfect. The only problem is the stupid 72hs deleting time. That REALLY sucks. If the board could add a week before thread termination (5 to 7 days) and a preview thumbnail (like swfchan), it would be a game changer here. Did you check the one I posted a few hours ago? >>#
>> [_] Anon 3509426 >># My suggestion: Let it be archived on swfchan and make a collection there with all your stuff. That way people can still browse for your flashes.
>> [_] Anon 3509439 >># agreed >># i did! i forgot to leave a comment, my bad. It looks great too. Also i dont know if rule34 supports ruffle, cant you turn these animations into gifs? if you can, then you could post there.
>> [_] Anon 3509444 >># That's a perfect idea. I never go into swfchan though, I'm too lazy. I'll try to come up with some ID for the flashes, still looking for some "flash name" that I like. >># Thanks again my dear /f/riend. heh, Pawel asked me the same question here >>>/ic/7212076 So that's that. These swf animations, are interactive, they have sound, buttons, transitions, it's a whole experience! lol. I can't turn that into a simple gif or a short webm. I do it because a flash interactive animation is something special.
>> [_] Anon 3509463 I was about to ask the same because I am collecting your stuff for my personal archive. tell me if I missed anything Captured Feather v1.2 Captured Feather Comic Test ÉCOUTE CHEREI Eddy Bear 2024 v1.2 Eddy Bear 2024 Eye on Springfield 1 Forest Sacrifice Hot shower v1.5 Hot shower1 Mia MAGCOOM PI Pirate Tales SIMPXXX1 Slayer Stuck Studio69 1 TRUTH OR DARE1 We're gonna need a bigger hole so far I got these from swfchan and a few jpegs and I can't tell which is yours until I see a thumbnail on swfchan.
>> [_] Anon 3509465 I'm collecting these and a bunch of your jpegs where ever I can find them so far I only found these Captured Feather v1.2 Captured Feather Comic Test ÉCOUTE CHEREI Eddy Bear 2024 v1.2 Eddy Bear 2024 Eye on Springfield 1 Forest Sacrifice Hot shower v1.5 Hot shower1 Mia MAGCOOM PI Pirate Tales Redliner Returns SIMPXXX1 Slayer Stuck Studio69 1 TRUTH OR DARE1 We're gonna need a bigger hole did I miss anything? I wouldn't know unless I can see thumbnails. and your stuff is not on /fap/ so the only way I can find it is if you list them, or I search for a artist tag, or I browse page by page on swfchan also where are your pics? some seems deleted because it's 4chan and tracking them down from comments on past /f/ archives on sfwchan sometimes leads to 404..
>> [_] Anon 3509466 Captured Feather v1.2 Captured Feather Comic Test ÉCOUTE CHEREI Eddy Bear 2024 v1.2 Eddy Bear 2024 Eye on Springfield 1 Forest Sacrifice Hot shower v1.5 Hot shower1 Mia MAGCOOM PI Pirate Tales Redliner Returns SIMPXXX1 Slayer Stuck Studio69 1 TRUTH OR DARE1 We're gonna need a bigger hole
>> [_] Anon 3509467 >># >># >># Thanks man! I'm copying your lists to do a double check later when this thread dies, because I don't even know what I posted. I had to go look for that "Stuck" one, I seriously could not remember what was that about LMAO this shit is crazy. About the images, I don't think those matter, everything that I do I use it some how on flash projects. To be honest some images I don't even save. I'm glad you did that, because I know I would not take the time to do that compilation myself. I was doing an update on the Truth or dare, I'm getting too ambitious with that one but it's doable. BUT, I just saw a post on /ic/ and I'll have to do an unrelated quick one. Thanks again buddy.
>> [_] Anon 3509470 >># thanks, I'm going to pump now to juicy bubble butt bitches
Created: 25/6 -2024 22:07:55 Last modified: 27/6 -2024 21:15:21 Server time: 30/06 -2024 06:15:37