/ > /swf/ > Thread 32774 Age: 50.01d Health: 0% Posters: 1 Posts: 1 Replies: 0 Files: 1+2
>> PKHacker1337 102062 The Elder Temple Escape (no sitelock) Hi! I bypassed the sitelock on this Flash game as per a request by u/JohnnyEnzyme on Reddit. Technical details (no one cares, but I'll still share) There were 3 layers of protection, each had to be removed 1 by 1. The first was the game checking to see if it's running on the website. If not, it pops up an error. This was bypassed by changing the variables named allowgame to 1 at frame 1. Layer 2 was another similar measure that replaces the gameplay. There's a function at frame 30 called ttcl that checks to see if layer 1 was bypassed and swaps in this layer with another message. I just disabled the visibility of that function and that got me to gameplay. Layer 3 was the final protection. This likely was put in to see if layer 2 was bypassed and make it so the game gets overlaid with a message after 35 seconds telling people to go to the original website. This probably was designed to make whoever cracks the game think that their work is done if they didn't think of waiting. This was by far the easiest to bypass. I just set the timer to take 30 something years instead before it pops up. That's as close to bypassing as I felt like doing, because no one is going to play this game for 30 years straight With that being said, this was a fun game to crack. Definitely worth looking into if you wanted a crackme or something. [IMG] The Elder Temple Escape (no sitelock).swf (4.16 MiB) 675x455, Compressed (Deflate). 100 frames, 30 fps (00:03). Ver8, AS1/AS2. Network access: Yes. Text: Yes. Bitmaps: Yes. Audio: Yes. Video: [find in archive]