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This is the wiki page for Flash #256838
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not_new_roxy_fixed [CR].swf
16,21 MiB, 00:00 | [W] [I]

Threads (1):

[H8I6P4L]F !
ACTIVEDiscovered: 13/8 -2024 14:02:33 Updated: 17/9 -2024 04:28:13Flashes: 1 Posts: 15
/ > /fap/ > Thread 32939 Age: 34.58d Health: 79.17% Posters: 9 Posts: 15 Replies: 13 Files: 1+2
>> Anon 102252 [IMG] not_new_roxy_fixed [CR].swf (16.21 MiB) 500x700, Uncompressed. 1 frame, 30 fps (00:00). Ver15, AS3. Network access: Text: Bitmaps: Audio: Video: [find in archive]
>> CR 102284 hey weird insecure racist! don't tag this shit with my name on it, thanks <3
>> Anon 102292 >># >is insecure about a name tag showing up on a modded flash because le racism >calls others insecure Huh.
>> Anon 102316 >># b2g
>> Anon 102317 imagine the process >no one knows who CR is >CR lurks the /fap/ to find CR tag >gets upset and replies to an Anon calling them insecure >expects reply someones projecting >>#
>> Anon 102319 Now I wanna do a bleached version of Future Booty and tag it that
>> CR 102327 >># girl idgaf who knows who i am, i just don't want some faggot reuploading shit i put my name on and doing retarded race edits. also i wasn't "lurking" for the tag it's on the front page LMAO
>> CR 102328 >># reuploading shit with my name on it*. idc what edits people make but take my name off lmao
>> Anon 102332 Tripcoeds = faygget >># NOOO, NOT THE DIDDELY NAMERIINOO FOR THE NO-NO RACISM!
>> CR 102334 >># retard. also i don't have a trip lol
>> Anon 102335 honestly even if i do think the white cock on white lady looks more aesthetically pleasing, it's always so pathetic seeing the people this version attracts. And you know the exact people trying to act like this is nothing weird would fly into a rage if you made a "fixed" version that made the penis black.
>> Anon 102345 >># Generalbutch Lost
>> Anon 102346 >># I'm sorry you were molested, but now is not the time to be sharing your sob stories!
>> Anon 102356 >># idk who that is, please explain
>> Anon 102367 >># You look just as pathetic complaining about literal who's on the internet.
Created: 13/8 -2024 14:07:55 Last modified: 17/9 -2024 04:28:19 Server time: 17/09 -2024 04:34:28